
Saturday, 28 December 2013

They Shall See His Face

"When you get to heaven, Billy, what do you want to see most?" a Christian teacher asked one of her first graders.

Billy thought for a moment. There was much his little heart longed for. He had heard the blessed land with its beauties, its treasures, its delicacies, spoken of frequently.

"Please, teacher," the little fellow replied, "I want to see the lions, the mansions, and the angels, but most of all I want to see Jesus."

Fanny J. Crosby, the hymn writer, expresses the same longing in these words:

"Through the gates to the city, in a robe of spotless white, He will lead me where no tears shall ever fall; In the glad song of ages I shall mingle with delight; But I long to meet my Savior first of all."

What Christian heart has not filled with the same desire? In the midst of life's turmoil and stresses have you not also longed to see your Savior?

The precious promise to the redeemed is, "The throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it;.....and they shall see his face." Revelation 22:3,4.

Yes, Jesus will be there, and He "shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters." (Revelation 7:17.) We shall be like Him at his appearing (1John 3:2), and we shall be with Him throughout the ages of eternity.

Of the redeemed, the author of Revelation says, "These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth." Revelation 14:4. It was a wonderful privilege the disciples of Jesus enjoyed as they lived with him during His three year ministry on earth. They saw His mighty healing power. They listened to the words of life as they fell from His lips and penetrated their hearts.

The prospect before us is even more glorious. Not for three brief years will we be with Christ, but throughout eternity. The disciples were forced to witness His scourging and crucifixion. You and I may witness His coronation - His glorious rule as King of kings and Lord of lords. They had hoped to see Him end the iron rule of Rome. We will see Him end the reign of sin.

The disciples could follow Jesus over only a comparatively few square miles, but you and I have the prospect of following our Lord from planet to planet.We may follow Him "whithersoever he goeth."

There are some sobering facts we must not lose sight of, some conditions for entry to heaven as outlined in this passage: "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8. If we expect to see Him in the hereafter, our hearts must be pure here. The blood of the Lamb must cleanse our hearts now if we hope to see Him then. Sin must be confessed and forsaken. Only clean men and women can see, and have fellowship with, a holy Savior.

If you and I expect to "follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth" in the earth made new, we must begin following Him now in this earth.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Jesus The Mighty Prayer Warrior - Pastor Ron Halvorsen

The Bible records various instances when Jesus prayed to the father. For instance it records that Jesus prayed alone early in the morning in the wilderness. It is during one of these encounters that the disciples found Him praying that they were so impressed that they asked him to teach them how to pray. This resulted in Christ teaching us the Lord's prayer.

By the way, it can also be inferred from this incident that Christ prayed out aloud. How else would the disciples have have heard Him if he was offering a silent prayer?

The prayer life of Jesus evidences the  life of a mighty prayer warrior. During his prayer in the garden of Gethsemane the Bible records in Luke 22:44 — "And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground." This was most definitely not those prayers we offer while in our blankets. This was an earnest prayer that expressed the deeper longings of  His heart.

The bible records that He prayed before choosing the 12 disciples and in other important decisions of His ministry on earth. If the sinless Son of God prayed like this, how then should we sinful human beings pray. We definitely cannot afford to be casual about our prayers. We need to wrestle with God in prayer just like Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord.

In the following video, Pastor Ron Halvorsen. preaches a sermon titled, Jesus The Mighty Prayer Warrior. It is a sermon that will challenge to a powerful prayer life in your christian walk.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

The Sabbath Under Attack

If there's one bible doctrine that has been attached than any other then it is the Sabbath. You only have to look in history to see all sorts of attacks against it. Starting from the time the church decided to change the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday, the sabbath has been under constant attack or crossfire.

For instance, recently a number of Sunday keeping scholars have produced scholarly articles which promote the view that the abrogation of the Sabbath was made by the apostles in the New Testament.  Some former Sabbath keeping  churches such as the worldwide Church of God have also abandoned the Sabbath and adopted Sunday arguing that it is the apostles who changed the day of worship in the New Testament.

Even recent efforts by the church to promote the observance of the Sabbath have, instead of going back to original Sabbath which is Saturday, promoted the observance of Sunday as the Sabbath. And as history of the Christian church has shown, it is disastrous to call upon the politicians to enforce the observance of sacred christian days or christian beliefs. Such efforts in the past have led to the persecution of those who hold contrary opinions to the majority.

In the video below, Dr Samuele Bacchiocchi presents the various attacks on the Sabbath in history and in our day. The title is the Sabbath Under Crossfire.

My Search For The Sabbath At The Vatican University

In the 1970's an Italian Seventh Adventist scholar, Dr Samuele Bacchiocchi became the first non Catholic to be allowed to Study at the Pontifical Gregorian University at the Vatican. Dr Bacchiocchi chose as his study the history of the change of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. He later published a book titled From Sabbath to Sunday : A Historical Investigation of the Rise of Sunday Observance in Early Christianity. The book details his findings from his search for the Sabbath at the Vatican University. In the video below Dr Bacchiocchi details his search for the Sabbath at the Vatican.

How Did The Sabbath Change From Saturday to Sunday In Christendom?

Have you wondered how the early Christian church decided to change the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday? This has been a contentious issue between the few Christians who still worship on Saturday and the majority who worship on Sunday. Most Sunday keepers say that it was the apostles who decided to change the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday in remembrance of the resurrection which took place on a Sunday. On the other side, those who worship on Saturday insist that it was not made by the apostles but much later by an apostate church and that there is no scriptural basis for doing so. They say this is exactly what Christ warned about when he said, 'in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men'. If the change is man made then those who worship on Sunday better heed the warning of Christ on worshiping in vain by teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. 

 To find out how the change occurred Dr Samuele Bacchiocchi spent five years at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome examining most ancient documents available. His investigation established that the change from Saturday to Sunday began approximately one century after the death of Christ as a result of an interplay of political, social, pagan and Christian factors. The results of this research are presented in the book From Sabbath to Sunday. This book which originally Dr Bacchiocchi's dissertation has the distinction of being the first book written by a non-Catholic ever to be published by a Pontifical press Catholic approval. Hundreds of scholars have praised Dr Bacchiocchi's book and consider it definitive study on the history of the change of the Lord's day.

A Prayer God Will Always Answer

In the video below, Dr Dwight Nelson preaches a sermon titled, Two Word Prayer. It is about a prayer that God will always answer. If you have tried all sorts of prayers without success then this kind of prayer is suitable for you. The Lord has promised that, 'ask and you shall receive.' But all these  prayers require faith in order for God to answer and you need to satisfy all the requirements specified in the Bible. For instance the Bible says that if you regard iniquity in your heart God will not answer your prayers. It also says that you need to have a spirit of forgiveness as well. But the prayer presented below is when you have tried everything and you are at your wits end.

Monday, 18 March 2013

What The Bible Says About Gays or Homosexuals

A lot has been said about how Christians should relate to gays, lesbians or homosexuals leading to fierce debates among Christians and non Christians alike. But what does the bible really say about gays? In the video below Dr Dwight Nelson, Senior Pastor of Pioneer memorial SDA Church delves into this contentious issue to reveal the biblical position on homosexuality.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Lewis Walton - Trial of Jesus: A Lawyers Perspective

Lewis Walton, J.D., LL.M, an experienced adventist lawyer goes through the trial of Jesus as found in the Bible from a lawyer's perspective. Did the trial of Jesus meet the conditions for a fair trial both by Ancient Roman standards or by modern standards? Should Jesus have been condemned to death by crucifixion if Pilate had followed all the standards required for a fair trial? What better way to get to glimpse with these issues than from a seasoned lawyer. Dr. Lewis Walton uses his credentials as an attorney to uncover the illegal trial of Jesus Christ.

Hindrances To Answered Prayer - Richard O'fill

Most people have the feeling that their prayers do not go beyond the 'ceiling of their homes'. We are all looking to the reasons why our prayers do not appear to be answered by God. In the video below Richard O'Ffill goes through hindrances on answered prayer. This video will open your eyes to the secrets of a dynamic prayer life that will bring rich dividends to your spiritual life.
There are various hindrances to answered prayer that can be found in the bible. Among those hindrances are disobedience to God, marital or home discord, unbelief, unforgiveness, idolatry, cherished sin etc. (Deut. 4:30, 31; Prov. 28:9; Isa. 1:15, 19, 20; Zech. 7:13; Gen. 22:18; Ps. 66:18; Isa. 59:1, 2; Mark 11:24; Heb. 11:6; James 1:6, 7)

The Bible and Health - David Ascherick

We all want to have good health, unfortunately it is much easier to eat whatever we like and whatever we like is mostly junk food that will harm our health. Does the Bible have anything to say about health. In the video below David Asscherick of ARISE ministry goes through some bible texts that teach us how to take care of our bodies. You will be surprised at how the bible offers some sound principles of health that were ahead of the knowledge at that time. The more you read these tips on health the more your faith will grow in the divine inspiration of the  bible.
God's desire is that we should prosper both in spirit and in health as well. It is with this in mind that the bible offers some tips on how we can pospone our funeral by following some principles. Principles that most christians have abandoned and have resulted in His people suffering from the same lifestyle diseases that are wreaking havoc in the lives of modern men.

The bible says our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit and should be taken care of intelligently. This means that we need to have enough rest and follow good principles of health. To show the importance of rest God mandated his people to have one day of rest which He called the Sabbath. Most people nowadays are suffering from diseases that result from lack of enough rest. If man had obeyed God in keeping the seventh day as a Sabbath on top of the rest we need everyday man would have prevented most of these diseases from shortening his life.

The Bible also calls upon us to avoid certain foods and some substances that can destroy our  bodies. (Rom. 12:1, 2; 1 John 2:6; Eph. 5:1-21; Phil. 4:8; 2 Cor. 10:5; 6:14-7:1; 1 Peter 3:1-4; 1 Cor. 6:19, 20; 10:31; Lev. 11:1-47; 3 John 2.)

The title of the video below is titled, How To Postpone Your Funeral.
our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit, we are to care for them intelligently. Along with adequate exercise and rest, we are to adopt the most healthful diet possible and abstain from the unclean foods identified in the Scriptures. Since alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and the irresponsible use of drugs and narcotics are harmful to our bodies, we are to abstain from them as well. Instead, we are to engage in whatever brings our thoughts and bodies into the discipline of Christ, who desires our wholesomeness, joy, and goodness. (Rom. 12:1, 2; 1 John 2:6; Eph. 5:1-21; Phil. 4:8; 2 Cor. 10:5; 6:14-7:1; 1 Peter 3:1-4; 1 Cor. 6:19, 20; 10:31; Lev. 11:1-47; 3 John 2.)

Saturday, 16 March 2013

How To Be A Good Father To Your Son

Mike Tucker, Director of Faith For Today, discusses the role of fathers to their sons. This is a very important and timely message in an age when most fathers are abandoning their responsibilities resulting in millions of children being raised by single mothers. Mike Tuckers goes into the scriptures to discuss the role of fathers. The sermon was titled fatherhood and was in two parts. The first one is for fatherhood for sons and the second one discusses the role of fathers to their daughters. The video below is on fatherhood for sons.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

If God Is A Baby - Pastor John Nixon

Pastor John Nixon preaching at the 2011 Oakwood College evangelism Council. The sermon is titled, If God Is A Baby. It is based on the birth of Jesus Christ as a poor baby in Nazareth. Jesus who was and is God humbled himself to be born as a child in a very poor part of Israel. He went even further to choose a poor virgin girl who had committed her ways to the Lord. How that was done is a mystery we can never understand but Christ was born as a poor helpless baby. Instead of picking a royal family or rich family he chose the poorest of the poor.

We also see that after Christ was born the message is relayed by angels to poor shepherds and not to the respected religious leaders of his day. To show his impartiality and as a no respecter of persons, it is also the magi from the east who were led by a star to Jerusalem. These magi were non Jews from Arabia. The sons of Ishmael. These magi were perhaps chosen because of their humility as they were humble enough to worship a child. It takes a poverty of spirit to worship a child. What a lesson to those of us who think of ourselves as the only people with whom God can communicate. God always surprises with his choices. Look at how Jesus pointed out that there were many lepers in Israel during the time of Elisha but it was Naaman the Syrian who was killed.

Below is a video of Pastor John Nixon's sermon.

Laodecian Church of Revelation - John Nixon

Pastor John Nixon preaches a sermon  titled, Hypothermia. It is based on Christ's letter to the church of Laodecia as found in the book of Revelation 3:14-22.  Laodecia was well known in ancient times for its warm water that was channeled from hot springs to the city in an ingenious feat of engineering of the ancient times.  In the letter, Christ laments the lukewarm condition of the church at Laodecia and says He prefers that church was either hot or cold. He says since the church is lukewarm and not hot or cold, he will spew her out of His mouth. 

The city of Laodecia was also well known in the ancient days for its riches. It is said that after an earthquake the city of Laodecia refused any aid from Rome but instead used its own resources to rebuild the city. Christ tells the church that even though it sees itself as rich and increased with goods, it was poor and wretched in the sight of God. He tells it to buy real gold refined in the fire from Him

The city of Laodecia was also know in the ancient days for its eye salve. Christ asks the church to buy salve from him to apply to her eyes so that she can see.

Here is a picture of a church very rich in material goods but very poor spiritually. An apt description of the church nowadays. The church is obviously richer than at any point in its history.  I have read a story that when the famous church theologian Thomas Aquinas visited the Vatican, he was taken to a room full of gold bars. It is said that Pope Innocent IV remarked to Thomas Aquinas that, 'We can no longer say like Peter and John that silver and gold have we none. Thomas Aquinas is reported to have said, 'It is true holy father, neither can we say like Peter and John, in the name of Jesus rise up and walk.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Living Legends Award Recipient - Barry Black

US Senate Chaplain Barry Black was one of the recipients of the 2012 Living Legends Awards. Chaplain Black has achieved a few firsts in the history of America. He was the first black American US Navy Chief of Chaplains and is currently the first African American chaplain of the US Senate. He has indeed broken many barriers and shares his life story in detail in the book, "From The Hood to The Hill'. It is a very inspiring story that you ought to read for yourself and your kids. You will be inspired to trust the Lord who can break all sorts of barriers and take you to heights you never imagined.

Chaplain Barry Black grew up poor in Baltimore, owes a lot to his godly mother and the Seventh day Adventist church that nurtured his faith and provided him with christian education that prepared him as he set out into the world.  Below is a powerful speech he offered after receiving his award. It is a testament to his christian faith and his dependence on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Baptism of The Holy Spirit : Early Rain

In the middle East, the farmers look for two types of  rains i.e. the early and latter rain. The early rain falls on newly planted seeds causing the seeds to sprout and to grow and the latter rain prepares the grain for harvest. Farming was very important in ancient Israel as the whole economy and life itself depended on good rain seasons It is therefore not surprising that in the Bible, God uses the symbolism of rain to represent the  outpouring of the Holy Spirit on his people. It is the Holy Spirit who enables us in everything we do as Christians from repentance to growth in Christ.

For instance one of the passages that talk of rain to represent God is Joel 2:23 "Be glad, O children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God, for he has given the early rain for your vindication; he has poured down for you abundant rain, the early and the latter rain, as before." Another one is Hosea 6:3 "Let us acknowledge the LORD; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth." Both of these passages are talking about the Holy Spirit.  This is confirmed by the apostle Peter who in a sermon during the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost pointed out that this outpouring was the fulfillment of  Joel chapter 2:28-32 prophecy.

 The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost was a 'curtain raiser' for the big outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the very end of time. God promises to pour His Spirit on His people before the final harvest of the earth. But just as the latter rain is useless if the early rain has not been sufficient enough to sprout the seed and to grow the plants, in the same way we need to receive the Holy Spirit now if we are to receive this great outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the end of the world. 

In the following video, G Edward Reid talks about this important topic of receiving the early rain baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Daniel's Prophecy On The Coming of Jesus

500 years before Christ came, the bible in the book of Daniel 9 predicted with mathematical accuracy the very year Christ was to commence his ministry on earth. Your mind will be blown away by this prediction and will once and for all confirm to you that Christ was indeed the messiah promised by old testament prophets.  

In the video below, David Asscherick goes through this prophecy and shows clearly how it was fulfilled in every detail by Jesus Christ.

How Ancient Babylon Foretold The End Of The World

 David Asscherick preaches on the dream that King Nebuchadnezzar had in Daniel chapter 2. The bible says when Nebuchadnezzar woke up he could not remember that dream. He called his wise men and asked them to tell him the dream that he had and also its interpretation. His wise men told him that this was not possible and asked him to tell them the dream and they would then tell him the meaning. The king was so incensed by this and ordered that all the wise men should be killed.

Those charged with this instruction to kill all wise men went to one of the Hebrew captives, Daniel to carry out the King's command. Daniel had for some reason had not been invited to attend the king's earlier summon.When Daniel was told the purpose of the visit by the king's men he asked that he be given time. He then called his three friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abdnego, and prayed to God for to reveal to them the dream and its interpretation. During the night the God of heaven revealed the dream to Daniel who offered praises to the Lord for this intervention. 

Daniel went before King Nebuchadnezzar and revealed the dream that he had. He told him that God of heaven wanted to reveal to the king what was to happen in future. He said the dream involved a statue made of God, silver,bronze, iron and clay. He said the statute represented various kingdoms from ancient Bablylon to the very end of time when as presented in the dream, a supernatural stone, a stone not made by hand, would destroy the statue and cover the whole world with an everlasting kingdom.

Lord's Day or Sabbath in The New Testament - E E Cleveland

Most Christians believe that the Sabbath or Lord's day was changed from Saturday to Sunday in the New Testament. They say that the Christian church decided to change the day of worship to Sunday in remembrance of the resurrection of Christ. In the video below, E E Cleveland goes through the various verses in the New Testament that mention Sunday to see if there is any evidence that the Christian church during the time of the apostles had decided to change the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday.

While this issue may seem to be a simple issue to some, it is not because Christ warned against the danger of following traditions of men rather than the commandments of God. Christ said in Matthew 15:9 "But in vain they do worship me, teaching [for] doctrines the commandments of men." If there is no evidence for the change then millions might be worshiping God in vain by teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

I Must Tell Jesus - Wintley Phipps

In the video below, Wintley Phipps preaches on the topic, I must tell Jesus. It is based on the song composed by Elisha A Hoffman in 1893. Hoffman composed this song after meeting a woman who was going through all sorts of suffering. During the visit the woman asked him, what shall I do? Elisha Hoffman is reported to have told her, "You can not do better than to take all your sorrows to Jesus. You must tell Jesus." The lady was immediately lost in meditation and her face lighted up as she said, "Yes I must tell Jesus". On his way home Elisha A Hoffman is reported to have had a vision of that illuminated face and the words, I must tell Jesus, I must tell Jesus echoing in her mind.

It is from this experience that Elisha Hoffman composed the song, I Must Tell Jesus. It reminds me of 1 Peter 5:7, "cast all your cares on him, for He cares for you". He  is a kind, compassionate friend.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Let's Cross Over To The Other Side - Keith A Morris

In a powerful semon, Pastor Keith A Morris preaches  on the instructions that Christ gave to the disciples to cross over to the other side of the lake or sea of Galilee. This instruction is found in the book of Mark chapter 4. As they were crossing the lake, a huge storm developed on the lake and the boat they were in was soon filling with water and about to capsize as these hurricane force winds pounded the boat. The disciples, most of whom were seasoned fishermen, became very terrified but Christ was calmly sleeping.
When the disciples realised that they were in danger of drowning, they woke up Christ and asked, Don't you care that we are perishing? Christ rebuked both His disciples and the storm. He rebuked them by asking, "why are you so fearful? How is that you have no faith?" The reason Christ slept through the storm was that He had faith in His father's control of the circumstances of life. Unfortunately in spite of the miracles His apostles had experienced while with Christ they had not developed faith to trust God even in a storm.
This rebuke is from Christ applies to us as well. We too are fearful especially as we face things with no known human solution. We forget that God is able to deal even with things are humanly impossible to deal with. He is the one who created this world and controls everything that happens in this world. We can and should believe God to handle even the impossible. The impossibles are possible with God.

How To Vote As A Christian - Dwight Nelson

During presidential and Congress elections in America, there is always a heated debate on how Christians should vote. On one hand are christian leaders who believe that Christians should never vote for anyone who does not share their christian values. One of the most contentious issue recently has been the issue of abortion, with many prominent christian leaders advising their adherents not to vote for anyone who is perceived to be a pro abortion or pro choice. Another issue has been about giving more rights to gays especially the right to marry. Many christian leaders have advised their followers not to vote for any politician who supports gay marriage.

There is however another group of Christians who believe that American is a christian nation and should be governed as such. They believe that the founding fathers of America wanted America to be a christian nation. With so many christian churches and so many varied christian beliefs, it should be a tricky issue as to which principles and beliefs should be used in running America. For instance if a day of worship were to be enforced, which day would it be? Would it be Sunday or Saturday? Sunday is a day of worship for most Christians while Saturday is a day of worship for a minority of Christians who believe that Christians should go back to the day God designated for worship and that Sunday worship is man made tradition with no scriptural basis. 

The more you think about it the more you would see that any intermingling of the state and religion would eventually lead to the persecution of some minority believers. You only need to look at the history of the Roman Catholic church, when it controlled the politics of western Europe, to realize how an intermingling of state and religion usually leads to persecution of those with opposing beliefs to the official church. Thousands of Christians such as the Waldenses lost their lives for daring to hold beliefs contrary to the mainstream church's beliefs.

In the video below, Dr Dwight Nelson, Senior Pastor of the Pioneer Memorial SDA Church at Andrews University preaches on this important topic on how to vote as a christian and how far Christians can involve themselves in politics.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Sabbath: A Day of Liberty - Walter Pearson

In the video sermon below, Pastor Walter L Pearson Jr. of the Breath of Life Telecast preaches on the topic, A Day of Liberty. It is a sermon based on the request by Moses to an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, that he should let the Israelites go to worship the Lord in the wilderness. He says the request was really about the Israelites requesting that they be allowed to observe the holy day of the Sabbath. To show that God is so particular about the Sabbath, God allowed plagues to fall on the Egyptians when the Pharaoh refused to grant their request.

Observance of the Sabbath, far from being legalistic and a burden actually signifies a day of liberty. It represents freedom from sin that Christ offers us and is a day we rest from labor and our efforts to not only provide for ourselves but also to save ourselves. The Sabbath is a day we recognise that God is the source of all things whether they be physical or spiritual. It shows that He alone is the one that matters in our relationship and is the source of our strength and success. As one writer puts it, had the world faithfully continued to observe the Sabbath, there would be no atheists around. Unfortunately in substituting Sunday for Saturday as a day of worship the Christian church lost out on the benefits that come from obeying the Lord by worshipping  Him on the day that He appointed and not on one that man  decided.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

The Great Controversy - Ivor Myers

In the following discussion, Ivor Myers and his wife Atonte discuss the unseen powers behind what is happening in this world. Most people are unaware of the Great controversy that started in heaven when Lucifer rebelled against God. Lucifer and his supporters were expelled from heaven and decided to settle here on earth where they deceived Eve into eating the forbidden fruit resulting in the fall of man. Since then the battle has continued  between the forces of good and the forces of evil  through various means at their disposal. Most people are unaware that both forces use means such as music, soaps, etc to win adherents to their side. 

There are no neutrals in this battle. You are either for God or for the devil. All humanity is involved in the great controversy between Christ and Satan. Christ sends the Holy Spirit and loyal angels to assist His people by protecting, guiding and sustaining them in the way of salvation. 

Jesus And Lazarus' Resurrection - Walter Pearson

In the video sermon below, Pastor Walter Pearson of the Breath of Life Telecast preaches a sermon entitled, Everybody Cried. It is based on the story of Jesus' resurrection of Lazarus from the dead. The story contains probably the shortest verse in the Bible i.e. John 11:35, Jesus Wept. The people attending the funeral were all crying but we see here that Jesus also wept. Why did Jesus weep? Is it because He missed His friend, Lazarus?  One inspired writer says, "Though He was the Son of God, yet He had taken human nature upon Him, and He was moved by human sorrow. His tender, pitying heart is ever awakened to sympathy by suffering. He weeps with those that weep, and rejoices with those that rejoice.

But it was not only because of His human sympathy with Mary and Martha that Jesus wept. In His tears there was a sorrow as high above human sorrow as the heavens are higher than the earth. Christ did not weep for Lazarus; for He was about to call him from the grave. He wept because many of those now mourning for Lazarus would soon plan the death of Him who was the resurrection and the life. But how unable were the unbelieving Jews rightly to interpret His tears! Some, who could see nothing more than the outward circumstances of the scene before Him as a cause for His grief, said softly, "Behold how He loved him!" Others, seeking to drop the seed of unbelief into the hearts of those present, said derisively, "Could not this Man, which opened the eyes of the blind, have caused that even this man should not have died?" If it were in Christ's power to save Lazarus, why then did He suffer him to die?
With prophetic eye Christ saw the enmity of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. He knew that they were premeditating His death. He knew that some of those now apparently so sympathetic would soon close against themselves the door of hope and the gates of the city of God. A scene was about to take place, in His humiliation and crucifixion, that would result in the destruction of Jerusalem, and at that time none would make lamentation for the dead. The retribution that was coming upon Jerusalem was plainly portrayed before Him. He saw Jerusalem compassed by the Roman legions. He knew that many now weeping for Lazarus would die in the siege of the city, and in their death there would be no hope." Desire of Ages, page 534.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Ah Ha - CD Brooks

Ah ha is  one of my favorite sermons from evangelist Charles D Brooks or as fondly known CD Brooks. It is   a sermon on the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ from the Garden of Gethsemane where He was arrested to the Golgotha where He was crucified. Ah has is taken from the expression of passersby who mocked the savior of the world as He lay dying on the cross. He relates that to our own response to the demands that Christ places on us for being His children. We mostly ignore these demands and think that we can live like the world while calling ourselves Christians  We dress like the world, we drink like the world, we go to objectionable places like the world and think it is okay as long as we go to church. 

This sermon was a rebuke to me and made me re evaluate my priorities. I hope you too will critically look at your life and look for areas where you have not surrendered fully to the Lord. Below is the video sermon. For those interested in the script for this sermon ah ha by CD Brooks you can find it here.

They Call Him Gabriel - Henry Wright

Pastor Henry Wright preaching a sermon titled, They Call Him Gabriel. In Luke 1:19, says I am Gabriel , I stand in the presence of God. This clearly shows that Gabriel is a high ranking angel in the courts of heaven. That God could send someone who stands in His presence to speak to sinful man shows his high regard for us. This special angel communicates God's purposes  to sinful human beings. He is truly a very loving God who cares so much about us. He is someone worthy of our trust and adoration.

Listen to the sermon and fall in love with this loving God.

Joseph and How Dreams Come True - Barry Black

Dr Barry C Black, US Senate chaplain preaches on the sermon titled, How Dreams Come True at Joy of Troy Seventh-day Adventist Church on 15 September 2007. The sermon is based on the story of the dreams that the patriarch Joseph of the Bible had and how they came true when he became the second in command in ancient Egypt. Second only to the Pharaoh that time. I was especially touched when Barry C Black recalled that as a child he liked to listen to recorded sermons of  the former US Senate Chaplain Peter Marshall not knowing that he too would occupy the same seats decades later. God can indeed make dreams come true if you put your trust in Him.

Watch and listen to the video below.

Make Your Life Matter - Chaplain Barry Black

US Senate chaplain Barry C Black preaching a sermon entitled, Make Your Life Matter. He was preaching at the Joy of Troy Seventh-day Adventist Church in the US in September 2007. Barry Black is the first ever African American Chaplain of the United States. He is also the first US Senate chaplain from the military or navy in history. The  Lord has indeed been with Chaplain Black's remarkable life as he as a few other firsts as well in American history. He is therefore the right person to listen to when you want to make your life matter in the world.

I urge you to listen attentively to the message below and ask God to make your life matter in your own sphere of influence. I try as well to make my life matter in my own small corner.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Is God To Blame For All The Suffering In the World?

How do we reconcile the fact that God is loving and is in control with all the suffering in the world? In the news on television and radio we hear and see innocent children and women who continue to suffer from effects of war and famines etc and yet we hear of a God of love. If He is a God of love why does he not intervene to at least help the innocent victims? And in any case why did he allow things to reach this far. Why did he not make sure that that harmony continues to prevail in this world?

Atheist such as Richard Dawkins have had a field day making fun of the idea of God in the light of all the suffering and wars done in the name of religion. To them if God exists then he is worse than the worst tyrants the world has ever seen.

These and other questions are dealt with in the video sermon below by Dr Dwight Nelson, Senior Pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church at Andrews University.

Stewardship : Life's True Priorities

During her long lifetime of 94 years, Fanny J.  Crosby, the  famed  blind  composer  of  many  religious  hymns,  often recounted  the  story  of  a  minister  who  spoke  as  a  guest  in a  church  one  morning.  He was  accompanied  by  his  little son.

After  the  worship  service  the  minister  recalled  that  no offering  had  been  taken, and,  as  he  was  in  the  habit  of never going to  the Lord's house without  presenting an  offering,  he left a  coin  in  the offering box  that he  noticed  beside the  door.  As  he  and  his son  walked  away  from  the  church, one of  the  church officers  came running after them,  saying, "It  is  our custom  here  to  give  to  the  preacher whatever  we find  in  the  offering  box  after  the  service."  And  the  man handed  to  the  minister  the  coin  he  himself  had  left  there. Whereupon the little boy looked up into  his father's face and  observed,  "Papa,  if  you  had  given  more,  you  would
have gotten more, wouldn't you?"

In  his  simple,  but striking  comment,  the  little  boy  underlined  the  Biblical  principle  given  by  inspiration  and penned  by  the  wise  writer  centuries  ago:  "A  man  may spend freely  and yet grow richer;  another is  sparing beyond measure,  yet  ends in  poverty."  (Proverbs 11:24, N.E.B.)* Jesus  made  it  clear  that  the  last  days  would  be  dominated by men  having  a  strong materialistic  attitude.  Eating, drinking,  building,  and  hoarding  money  would  be  central in  the  thinking,  talking,  and  doings  of  men.  We  who  live in  the  seventies  when  so  many  other  of  the  last  signs  are being  fulfilled,  can  hardly  avoid  noticing  the  realization also  of  those  prophecies.  And  further:  We  find  it  difficult to  avoid  being  influenced  by  the  same  attitudes  ourselves.

The Lord's Sacred Claims

First of all:  There is.  no  question  about  the  fact  that God  calls  us  to  be  stewards.  "As  every  man  hath  received the  gift,  even  so  minister  the same  to  one  another,  as  good stewards of  the  manifold grace  of God"  (I  Peter 4:10).  "You are  not  your  own;  your  Lord  has  sacred  claims  upon  your supreme  affections  and  the  very  highest  services  of  your life  ... to  the  fullest  extent  of  your  capabilities,  for  His own  honor  and  glory."—Counsels on Health, p.  385. Notice how wide the scope  of our responsibility is:  "Stewards  of  the  manifold  grace  of  God"  and  the  "Lord  has sacred  claims  upon  your  supreme  affections  and  the  very highest services  .  .  .  ."  The  totality of  life  is  included:  "The very God of peace sanctify you wholly;  and I  pray God your whole spirit  and soul  and  body  be  preserved  blameless  unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" (I Thessalonians 5:23).

This  part  of  a  Christian's  relationship  to  God  is  closely knit  to  the  atonement.  He bought us with all that we are and have.  He  did  this,  not  only  to  free  us  from  our  transgressions  and  their  consequences,  but  also  for  a  purpose while  serving  Him  here:  "What?  know  ye  not  that  your body is  the temple of  the  Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye  have  of  God,  and  ye  are  not  your  own?  For  ye  are bought  with  a  price:  therefore  glorify  God  in  your  body" (I  Corinthians  6:19,  20).  To glorify God because  we  are bought  with  a  price  takes  in  much  more  than  we  usually consider.  Note this:  "I will enforce truth on the conscience, and  men  shall  be  My  witnesses,  throughout  the  world  asserting  my  claims  on  man's  time,  his  money,  his  intellect. All these I purchased on the cross of Calvary."—Testimonies, VII, 159.

May  these  words  sink  into  our  minds:  On  the  cross Christ  paid  the  price,  first  of  all  for  our sins,  but  He  also bought  our  time,  money,  and  intellect.  Everything  now belongs  to  Him,  even  though  he  left  the  administration  to us.  Therefore,  when  we  see  the  fuller meaning of  the  cross, it  leads  to  humility,  thankfulness,  acceptance,  and  even dedication.

When  Graf  von  Zinzendorf,  as  a  rich  young  man  in Germany,  stood  one  day  before  a  painting of  the  suffering of Christ on  the  cross,  he  noted  the words written under it: "All  this  I  suffered  for  you.  What have you done for me?" The picture and the message touched his heart.  Then  and there  he  decided  to  give his  life  and  all  that  he  had  to  the Master's  service.  He  became  the  founder  of  the  Hernhut Brudergemeine  (Renewed  Brotherhood),  a  missionary  and religious leader.  His strong influence throughout his life was due to his deep personal devotion to Christ.

God's Only Way

"God  permits us  to show  our appreciation of His mercies by  self-sacrificing  efforts  to  extend  the  same  to  others.  This is  the  only  way  in  which  it  is  possible  for  us  to  manifest our gratitude  and love  to  God.  He has provided no other." —Counsels on Stewardship, pp.  18, 19.

Sometimes  we  may  wonder  why  God  chose  "self-sacrificing  efforts"  in  order  to  bring  God's  grace  to  others,  as "the only way" in which we  can show  our love  to  God. Why did he provide “no other” way?  Here  is  at  least  part  of  the answer:  "God  could  have  reached  his  object  in  saving  sinners without our  aid;  but in  order for  us  to  develop  a  character  like  Christ's,  we  must  share  in  His  work.  In  order  to enter into  His  joy—the joy of seeing souls redeemed  by  His sacrifice—we  must  participate  in  His  labors  for  their  redemption."—The Desire of Ages, p.  142.

In  other words:  The greatest  blessings  flow  back  to  ourselves  as  we  try  to  follow  God's  plan.  The  following  words of Jesus  that  did  not  get  into  the  Gospels  but  which  Dr. Luke  placed  in  the  Book  of  Acts,  express  the  experience  of many  of  God's  children:  "It  is  more  blessed  to  give  than  to receive"  (Acts  20:35).
In  the  light  of  this  instruction  from  Jesus,  we  see  that life  is  not meant to  be  a  grab bag from which  we  take  those things  we  desire.  If that is our philosophy, we shall indeed be deeply disappointed.  Life is rather an opportunity to share.  It will  then  go  out  and multiply  and return  to  us  in forms  we  need,  to  our  own  joy  and  growth  in  Christian experience.

Stewardship,  in  its  deep  spiritual  and  practical  meaning,  is  not  only  acts  or good  deeds.  It is much more.  It is an experience. We share ourselves in the transactions. When this philosophy dominates our lives,  we  open  doors to  blessings  we  could  not  obtain  in  any  other  way.  STEWARD-SHIP DAY,  therefore,  offers  us  an  invitation  to  stop  and  consider  life's  true  priorities.

by ALF  LOHNE ,Vice President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Should Women Be Ordained To The Ministry?

There is an ongoing debate in the Seventh-day Adventist church and other christian churches about whether women pastors should be ordained to the ministry. It appears that most of the Christians in the western world appear to have no problem in ordaining women to the ministry while those from the third world are largely opposed. It is a highly emotive issue that threatens to tear apart churches. The westerners blame traditions and cultural considerations as being the reasons behind the third world Christians' opposition to the ordination to the ministry while the third world Christians say their position is based on scripture. They further claim that the western world Christians are influenced by the society they live in and not scriptures.

In the video below Dr Dwight Nelson, Senior Pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church at Andrews University in the US presents his understanding of the biblical position on the ordination of women to the ministry. It is a very thoughtful analysis of the issues and deserves our attention as we prayerfully seek God's guidance on this issue.

Why I Am A Seventh Day Adventist - John Carter

In a world of thousands of christian denomination, why would someone choose to be a Seventh-day Adventist? It is one of the smallest christian churches around but Adventist believe that God has set them apart to call people back to the Bible. They believe that the Bible should be the rule of faith and that traditions have no place in the Christianity. They further believe that they are part of the movement presenting the three angels message found in the book of Revelation 14:6-9. They believe that God has called them to proclaim God's judgement hour and to prepare the people for Christ's second coming.

These are bold claims and definitely need to be examined. In the video below John Carter of the Carter Report presents the reasons why he is a Seventh-day Adventist. Listen to what he says and make up your mind as to whether the claims above and others do make sense for you. I would also urge you to prayerfully consider what you hear in the video.

About Dinosaurs : Did God Create Dinosaurs?

Did dinosaurs co exist with human beings? The fossil record seems to show that they did not. Of course absence of evidence does not mean that they did not. As we have noted in the post on the Lost Empire of The Hittites, new evidence can spring up unexpectedly and prove the position of the Bible that God created everything that we have in the universe and beyond. The position of science that dinosaurs lived on earth before human beings and became extinct before human beings conflicts with the Bible position that death came through sin by man. This rules out any deaths before man came on the scene.

The scholars in the video below discuss this and other issues on dinosaurs and how it affects our faith. How can a christian scientist still believe in God and the Bible when there are things in science that appear to contradict the Bible record? Does science have all the answers. How about evidence for a worldwide flood? The fossil record definitely appears to support a worldwide flood judging from the way the fossils are structured or layered in the rock sediments across the world. There is almost uniform way these sediments appear across the world.

Ultimately our christian beliefs have to be based on faith and as apostle Paul says there is enough evidence in the world to lead you to a creator. The complexity and apparent design in everything that is in this world definitely points to a creator or designer.

Friday, 1 February 2013

The Fourth in the Fire

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the Blazing Furnace

WHEN THEY came  out  of the  city the  great  golden  image  danced  in  the mirages across the plain of Dura.  These were not ordinary citizens on a pilgrimage.  Varied national costumes of the richest kinds, voices speaking in a score or more tongues and entourages in livery disclosed their high rank.

They  headed  out  across  the  plain, "satraps,  prefects,  viceroys,  counselors, treasurers, judges,  chief constables,  and all  governors  of provinces,"  toward  the glittering  image.  Some  went  with  curiosity, some with indignation, some with fear,  but  none  dared  deny  the whim  of Nebuchadnezzar,  lord  of  the  sixth-century BC Chaldean  empire.

Perhaps mounted, walking or riding in a palanquin they discussed the latest extravagance of their monarch.  Some contrasted  this  return  to  idolatry  with  the episode a few years before when the king had  been  forced  to  acknowledge  the Hebrew  God,  a  deity far different  from the  images  in  the  temples of his  capital city,  Babylon.

Some among the bedecked throng remembered the dream that had provoked the king to his acclamation of Jehovah, God of the Israelites.  Some may have linked the image the king had erected on the plain with that experience.

Only  the  Jew  Daniel  among  all  the palace retainers had been able to give the king the explanation of the strange figure that  had  troubled  him  in  his  dreams. And even then the interpretation was two-edged.  Daniel  had  described  the golden  head  of the  image  seen  in  the dream  and  said  to  Nebuchadnezzar, "You  are  that  head  of gold.  After  you there  shall  arise  another  kingdom,  inferior  to  yours,  and  yet  a  third  kingdom…." Daniel 2:39, 40, NEB.

Viewed from the perspective of an autocrat, the words were dangerous, even seditious. They predicted the end of Nebuchadnezzar’s empire.  If any of the satellite kingdoms wanted encouragement to rebel, here it was.  Perhaps Daniel’s interpretation meant Nebuchadnezzar’s days were running out. Their nation might be the next kingdom in the sequence of metallic symbols.

And so the despot had found his own counter to the possibilities evoked by the vision.  A  30-meter-high  statue,  erected on  the  flat  land  outside  Babylon,  testified  to  his  determination  to  continue the  rule  of  the  Chaldeans  for  ever. Nebuchadnezzar gold-plated not just the head of the idol, but the entire image from top to bottom. A fitting reminder of his kingdom’s might—no second or third kingdom would ever usurp Chaldea's place.  It would last for ever.

The story that follows in the Bible lingers in the memories of millions—the three Hebrews and the burning fiery furnace.  Daniel 3 tells of the motleyed crowd completing its march across Dura and assembling about the effigy, squinting at the reflections from the glittering structure.  The king commands musicians to play.  At this signal all bow down.  All, except for three Jews— Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

The three stand silhouetted against the copper sky.  The tyrant barks an order.  Guards hustle them before the king.  They defy him, refusing to yield. The same guards drag them toward a super-heated furnace.  As  they  push  the trio  into  its  mouth,  a  gout  of  flame lunges out, and the guards, breathing the boiling gases,  collapse  and die.

In  a  fit  of sadism  the  king  peers  into the flames: "Did we not cast three bound men  into  the  midst  of the  fire?  They answered and said unto the king, True, O king.  He  answered and said, Lo, I  see four men  loose,  walking in  the midst of the fire,  and they have  no  hurt;  and the form  of the  fourth  is  like  the  Son  of God."  Daniel 3:24, 25, KJV.

The  three  Hebrews  walk  out  of the fire,  unscathed,  not  even  smelling  of smoke.  And the fourth vanishes.  Once more the startled monarch acquiesces to the power of the Jewish God.  His monstrous object lesson directed at the assembled satellite nations goes awry. The Lord of Israel, a small and insignificant minority people, triumphs.

It doesn't take too much imagination to conjure what this meant to the Hebrews.  The story must have spread everywhere in the domain of Babylon, and everywhere the Israelites took heart. God had not left them undefended. The same Power who had once led their forefathers out of Egypt was remembering them in their captivity.  Perhaps  this might  be  the  beginning  of  miracles bringing  defeat  to  their  pagan  ruler  as surely as the miracles of Moses had vanquished  Pharaoh.  The morale of God's people surged.

This story projects us back into an age when the miraculous walked side by side with the natural.  The Hebrew nation lived in anticipation of divine intervention. It had happened so many times. They knew God could save them.  This expectation backdrops the insouciance of the reply of the three Hebrews as they were dragged before the king:  "We have no need to answer you on this matter. If there is a god who is able to save us from the blazing furnace, it is our God whom we serve,  and he will save us from your power, O king;  but if not, be it known to your  majesty  that we  will  neither serve your god  nor worship the golden  image that  you  have  set  up."  Daniel 3:16-18, NEB.

Such conviction about God’s competency to intercede does not come easily for modern people.  Vast numbers would regard this story with skepticism or rank it with Grimm's Fairy Tales. Yet the Bible teems with incidents in which God personally interfered.

Two events set this story apart. There is the miracle of deliverance; and there is the intervention of the divine Son of God with human destiny.  It should not surprise that the Son of God chooses to appear with His faithful trio in the middle of the flames. It harmonizes with scores of other divine acts on behalf of God's faithful people.

The identity of the Fourth in the fire may have puzzled many of the Jews who heard the story. Who was walking in the fire with their three compatriots? They would not doubt the presence of a mighty Being.  They would ponder carefully His identity.  For many the realization would come.  Their three fellow exiles had been privileged to see the coming Prince of Israel, the Son of God.

The story speaks to us also oft he first phases of a confrontation that still continues. In the Bible story, Babylon stands in  conflict  with  Jerusalem—Babylon representing  anti-God  powers  and Jerusalem  the  presence  of God  among His  people.  The hierarchy of Babylon represented by Nebuchadnezzar and his minions stands over against the Son of God and His people.  The worship enforced by Babylon countermands the worship of the true God.

There  on  Dura  a  micro drama  plays out  the  great  clash  of the  ages.  On  the one  hand  there rises  the  defiant  image, contradicting  the  divine  decrees  and calling  for  a  false  worship.

Nebuchadnezzar marshals his military and political muscle behind the Babylonian religious system. All peoples must obey and bow down. All must worship or be killed.

On the other side God watches, weighing the impact of this event on the fate of His people and the truth they represent.  God’s name, God’s people and God's truth are in jeopardy. To leave the three young men to immolation risks too much. The Son of God steps into the fire with  His  three  children,  confounds Nebuchadnezzar  and  affirms  God's  intention  to  deliver His  people.

The drama provides a pattern for future apocalyptic visions.  Six hundred years later the prophet John sees a similar confrontation of global proportions.

The  vision  of Revelation  13  pits  the forces  of  international  and  spiritual Babylon  against  God  and  His  people: "All  on  earth  will  worship  it,  except those  whose  names  the  Lamb  that  was slain  keeps in  his roll of the living, written  there  since  the  world  was  made." Revelation 13:8, NEB.

Again  it  is  a  faithful  minority threatened  by  overwhelming  forces  of devilish  origin.  In John's vision it is the Lamb of God who delivers His people. Again it is God's name, God's truth and God’s people under threat.  Again God preserves and saves His cause.

In the denouement, spiritual Jerusalem overcomes spiritual Babylon: "And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven….."  Revelation 21:2, KJV.

Christ triumphs over Satan and his cohorts: "And the devil that deceived them was  cast  into the  lake  of fire  and  brimstone,  where  the  beast  and  the  false prophet  are...."  Revelation 20:10, KJV.

God's people emerge unscathed from the flames of tribulation.  "Now at last God has his dwelling among men!  He will dwell among them and they shall be his people, and God himself will be with them."  Revelation 21:3, NEB.

We all may identify with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.  The fires of temptation or persecution surround us. Our faith suffers assaults. Bound by circumstances, helpless against our own natures, failing so often, succeeding so seldom—this is the pattern of the lives of so many who try to follow God’s will. Yet  to  the  eye  of faith  a Companion walks beside, just as surely as He walked in  the  furnace  at  Dura.  Faith looks around and finds the Son of God, sustaining, protecting.  In  His  presence  the bonds  fall  off,  strength  renews,  we  go free.

Christ walks with us in the fires of spiritual trial. He does not walk away from us, or leave us unattended. No matter whether our own foolishness has brought us to the testing. No matter whether the conniving of circumstances or the spite of enemies brings us low. No matter if Satan launches his arsenals of doubt or discouragement against us. In all these and in all other conditions Christ is with us. That is the message of Daniel 3. Even if we must stay in the fire, He does not leave us alone, unprotected. 

Scripture informs us of the One who will not go away. "God himself has said, will never leave you or desert you'; and so we can take courage and say, 'The Lord is my helper, I will not fear; what can man do to me?'" Hebrews 13:5, 6, NEB.

The text could well have been written for the three Hebrews. And it was certainly written for us. God has not gone away. Through His Christ He is there with us, now and for all our tomorrows.

Walter Scragg 1987

The DaVinci Code Part 2 - The Women in Jesus' Life. - Dr Dwight Nelson

In the book, the Da Vinci Code, the author Dan Brown says that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdelene and that they had children whose descendants are still alive to this day. Is this really true? Can the evidence that Dan Brown present really stand scrutiny ? 

In the video below, The DaVinci Code Part 2 : The Women in Jesus' Life, Dr Dwight Nelson tackles what Dan Brown presents in his book to see if it can stand scrutiny. He for instance points out that some parchments that he refers to are actually forged documents. One of his sources, Pierre Plantard actually admitted fabricating the documents that had said that he was a descendant of the relationship between Mary Magdalene and Jesus. As Lee Strobel points out, 'Actually the Priory of Sion was founded in 1956 to campaign for the low-income housing in France. One of its leaders, a convicted con man named Pierre Plantard, fabricated a phony history for the organization and planted these forged parchments in the French library.

Pentecost : How To Have Baptism of The Holy Spirit

In Acts chapter 2, the Bible records the baptism of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and other disciples of Christ who had assembled in Jerusalem. With the sound like of a strong wind, sound like the blowing of a violent wind filling the whole house, the Holy Spirit came down in the room and later what seemed like tongues of fire that rested on each of the people in that room the Holy Spirit baptized the disciples. As they were filled with the Holy Spirit, the disciples began to speak in other languages, that they had never spoken before.

Out of this experience the disciples emerged to shake the world with the gospel message. In an instant disciples who had full of fear after losing their savior came out with boldness and delivered the message without fear. They came out filled with the love of God that was so strong that they were willing to die while spreading this message.

O! how much we need that fire of the Holy Spirit in these days. But the bible promises in the book of Joel that in the last days the Spirit will once again come down with power. That is why we need to pray earnestly for the baptism of the Holy Spirit to finish the spreading of the gospel as a witness before Christ comes.

In the following video, Dr Dwight Nelson, of Andrews University teaches on how to receive this baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Babylon's King Nebuchadnezzar's Dream And It's Interpretation

In the first Gulf war, the US and its coalition partners bombarded Baghdad, the capital of Iraq relentlessly for days on end. It was indeed Blitzkrieg Baghdad. The war came about after Iraq invaded and captured Kuwait, a small gulf emirate rich in oil. 

During the war Iraq among other things responded to the attack by firing missiles at Israel. By doing so Saddam Hussein was following in the steps another ruler from that area known as King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Saddam Hussein was reported in certain media circles to have seen himself as the new King Nebuchadnezzar. In its heydays the ancient Babylonian empire controlled affairs in that part of the world. The capital of Babylon is now part of modern day Iraq. Apparently Saddam Hussein also tried to rebuild the ancient ruins of Babylon. 

Just like Saddam Hussein, King Nebuchadnezzar also attacked Israel and during that attack he took away some captives. One of those captives was Daniel who later revealed and interpreted a dream that Nebuchadnezzar had and forgot. That dream found in Daniel chapter 2 in which King Nebuchadnezzar  dreamed of a large statue made of pure gold, silver, bronze, iron and clay predicted with mathematical accuracy the rise and fall of empires up to the very end of time. We would do well to read and understand this prophecy as it shows us that the Bible is not like any book but comes to us from a Creator who not only loves us but cares and controls our future. 

In establishing his claim to be the one true God, Jehovah himself, through his prophet,-has stated that he declares the end from the beginning, and challenges the false gods to do the same:— 

" I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure." Isaiah. 46:9,10.

"I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. And who, as I, shall call, and shall declare it, and set it in order for me, since I appointed the ancient people and the things that are coming, and shall come, let them show unto them." Isa. 44: 6, 7.

"Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the Lord? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me " Isa. 45:21

Those that have put in their trust in the Bible and in this prophecy have been amazed at how this prophecy has always proved true. In the video below featuring the late George Vandeman of the It is Written Telecast looks at this prophecy in the light of the Blitzkrieg Baghdad and what this prophecy means for us living at the very end of time.


The Temple On Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement

□ Leviticus 16:29-24—Yom Kippur
□ Hebrews 9—Yom Kippur
• Angel Rodriguez: "Cleansing as an image of atonement presupposes that we understand sin as a contaminating agent that needs to be removed in order to restore things to their pristine original state. This is particularly the case in the book of Hebrews, in which the image of cleansing  reaches an important level of significance within salvation history. The idea that Christ made purification for sins is central in the Epistle to the Hebrews." (Spanning the Abyss: How the Atonement Brings God and Humanity Together 145) 

• Hebrews 1:3—through his life and death Christ has brought about purification or cleansing (Gk: katharismos—"catharsis") from sin. 
• The three essential cleansings of Christ's sacrifice: 
ƒ Cleansing #1—for past sin. 
o Hebrews 9:15 
ƒ Cleansing #2—for present sin. 
o Hebrews 9:14 
ƒ Cleansing #3—for future judgment. 
o Hebrews 9:22-28 binds together the ancient Day of Atonement with a 
future day of judgment,. 

o What Calvary provided is the once for all sacrifice of the Lamb of God that would eventually cleanse the record of sin from God's sanctuary  above and the presence of sin in God's people  below. 
o Clearly there is a Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement cleansing  that comes at the end of time—in the judgment immediately preceding the return of Christ. 

ƒ Rodriguez: "In Hebrews the cleansing of the sanctuary refers to the realities of the final judgment, the consummation of the salvation of God's people, and the ultimate defeat of evil power. Thus the epistle unveils the typological significance of the Day of Atonement, enriching our understanding of the work of Christ for us." (149) 

□ Daniel 7, 8 and 9—Yom Kippur 
• Daniel 8:14—"And he said to me, 'For two thousand three hundred days; then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.'" 
• Daniel 8:26—"'The vision concerns the distant future.'" 

• In what the English physicist and Bible scholar, Isaac Newton, would later call "the crown jewel of the Old Testament," Gabriel gives to Daniel the stunning prophetic timeline for the Messiah's coming to Daniel's people (Dan 9:24-27) as the beginning point for the even more astounding timeline for the commencement of God's final Yom Kippur judgment in heaven (Dan 8:14). 

• For a detailed video study of this prophecy, go to video click on to "The Spectacular Prophecy Nostradamus Missed" 

• Rodriguez: "Contextual analysis allows the interpreter of the prophecy to determine the 2300-day period as beginning in 457 B.C. and ending in A.D. 1844. Many Christians consider that aspect of the apocalyptic vision offensive. Such an attitude is understandable although not acceptable. It is understandable in that those who have grown under the influence of the rationalism of modernism are unwilling to accept that a human being could make predictions that received their fulfillment 2,300 years later. But that attitude is not acceptable, because Scripture should determine the assumptions and presuppositions of the reader and not the other way around. The interpretation of prophecy is not arbitrary. It has been reaffirmed on exegetical and theological grounds." (145)

Both Sides Of Gun Related Violence

Gun violence continues to take its toll on innocent people in the United States and other countries. As I am writing this, I have fresh memories of the Newtown massacre of children at an elementary school. Children too young to even appreciate the gun debates in the US. I don't wish to join this debate but I have found a video that addresses the effects that violences inflicts not just  the dead victims parents and relatives but the parents and relatives of the perpetrators of this violence..

On the other side we have parents and relatives of the gun crime victims but on the other we have parents and relatives of the perpetrators who have to endure the shame and guilt over the incidence. I understand that first and foremost  I, like everybody else, would be more concerned with the victims side but we should try to remember the other side as well. Which I understand is a hard thing to do. But that is what Christ calls us to do as christians.  As parents and relatives of the perpetrators, they too would probably be thinking of their part in the whole thing. They would probably be thinking of the steps they might have taken that could have prevented such incidences. They would probably be questioning their parenting skills etc.

If My People Who Are Called By My Name - Dr Dwight Nelson

Have you ever felt that your prayers don't go beyond the ceiling? If that is the case then this video sermon by Dr Dwight Nelson of Andrews University's Pioneer Memorial Church is definitely for you. The sermon is based on 2 chronicles 7:14 - if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

In 2 chronicles 7:14 God spells out the conditions under which the prayer of the Israelis would be answered to avert the consequences of their sins. This was in response to King Solomon's prayer during the dedication of the newly built Temple in Jerusalem. In the prayer Solomon requested God to respond to the prayers of His people when they called to Him in the newly dedicated temple. The principles God presented in this dream are however universal to all prayers. If our prayers are to be answered we need to heed the conditions presented in this verse. The sermon below will expound on the various phrases presented in this 

Thursday, 31 January 2013

The Dead Sea Scrolls

In 1947, shepherds of the Ta'amireh Bedouin in Palestine accidentally discovered hidden in caves in Qumran numerous scrolls and fragments (many of them biblical) dating from the second century BC to the first century A.D. The first caves to be discovered, and the most productive so far as manuscripts are concerned, were those in the vicinity of Khirbat Qumran, a few miles south of Jericho, although other caves farther to the south in Wadi Murabba'at, and at Ein Gedi and Masada, have also produced important literary finds, some of them from a later period. 

These scrolls are perhaps the most significant find for christians, scholars, archaelogists etc and has shed a lot of light on the veracity of the the Bible that we hold nowadays. Most scholars are agreed on the fact that these scrolls which include the oldest written record of the Old Testament ever found have proven that the Bible does not differ from the Bible that was read in that period and shows the careful transcription that has taken place from the original manuscripts to our Bible. You therefore can trust your Bible and dismiss all those allegations that say that the Bible is a corrupted book.

In the video below Mark Finley discusses the Dead Sea Scrolls and what they show about the reliability of the Bible that we are using today.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Can You Speak the Adventist Lingo?

In RECORD articles and editorials entitled "Avoiding Cliches, Jargon and Other Pitfalls" (November 22, 1986) and "Losing Touch" (December 13, 1986), Pastor James Coffin raised several points regarding articles submitted for publication. His ideas stimulated my mind to reflect on the larger issue of the language we use not only when we write, but whenever the "Adventist family" gets together. 

Have you ever felt a twinge of panic when you heard that a non-Adventist friend was coming to church? Have you ever thought silently, I'm glad THEY weren 't here to hear that ? Or maybe you have spent all Sabbath afternoon with some non-Adventist Christian friend who had accompanied you to church— trying to rescue certain speakers of the morning from the dreadful impression they had unwittingly conveyed? 

Often the problem is in the language itself. How often do we really listen to the actual words being magnificently in- toned in Sabbath school and church and consider their effect on any visitors present? Reflect with me for a moment. 

The Adventist Church consists of those "in the message," and constitutes "the remnant." Those who do not "rejoice in the truth" are variously designated as "outsiders," "unbelievers," "nominal Christians," "apostate Protestants" or, in the extreme (and not so much of late), "Babylon." 

Church organisation was early adopted by "the pioneers," giving rise to such institutions as "the General Conference," "the Division," "the Union" and "the Conference." Full-time employees of "the work" are, appropriately enough, known as "workers." 

The church owes much of its "light" to the "Spirit of Prophecy" as manifest in the work of the "servant of the Lord," at other times known as the "Lord's messenger" who, as we know, wrote with the "pen of inspiration." 

The church is dedicated to warning "the world," and to this end conducts "crusades," "campaigns" or "efforts." Some of these are prolonged, such as "1000 Days of Reaping" and "Harvest 90." We also maintain an active "right arm" to the "message," and further buttress our "outreach" with edifying publications such as the "Signs," the "RECORD" and the "Review." We even have an "overflow" each "13th Sabbath." Does it sound a bit "heavy" to you? 

The Adventist Church is not the only group of people to develop a special "language." In fact, everybody does it! Sociologists and linguists tell us that a variety of social groups exist, each with their own tongue. Sociologists Doughty, Pearce and Thornton suggest five broad classifications of such speech communities. These are: 

1. Geographical—He comes from the back o' Bourke. 

 2. Familial—He belongs to the Mac Arthur clan. 

 3. Occupational—She is a lawyer. 

 4. Public—They are the ratepayers of Coober Pedy. 

 5. Personal—We belong to the leagues club, the yacht club, the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 

It is a well-known and documented phenomenon that groups formed for any of the above primary purposes will inevitably adopt an in-house vernacular. This special language performs the following functions: 

1. It provides a vehicle for the communication of complex concepts within the group. 

2. It enhances the feeling of belonging within the group by promoting security for "in"-group members. 

3. It sets apart members of the group from those who are not members— perhaps from those who are not eligible for membership. 

4. It promotes the aims and interests of the group by defining clearly identified concepts and understandings important to the group. And in so doing it unconsciously reinforces those ideas for group members. 

Clearly, the primary value of the "in" language will vary according to the nature and purpose of the group. In the case of the third classification, the occupational or professional speech community, the primary purpose of the vernacular is to provide! a concise, unambiguous set of symbols with which to convey difficult concepts. An example of such a group is provided by computer technicians. Their technical language includes such everyday terminology as "bits," "nibblers," "menus," "gates," "bus drivers" and "chips"—all of which have been redefined by the user group to have special meanings. 

Of course, terminology related to church structure and organisation does serve the purpose of providing concise, unambiguous symbols for concepts and subgroups within the church. But many of the phrases unique to the church community serve other ends. 

Some terms, such as the "Advent family" and "the message" may exist exclusively to enhance the group identity—to make the group more comfortable. Also, such a vernacular helps define the group's boundaries and may prevent fringe members from leaving by providing a wall between the church group and those outside it. 

A strong disadvantage, however, is the impression that inevitably is given to potential members. Everybody feels intuitively that they cannot use "the language" unless they have learned the group "feel." After all, how many times have teenagers winced when parents, clearly out of touch, attempt to use their language? We use other people's language at our peril, and usually to our destruction. 

And what about exclusive terms? A few Sabbaths ago, the terms "Christian" and "Adventist" were used interchangeably while I squirmed in the same pew as a non-Adventist Christian friend. I have no doubt about the impression given, because I was told explicitly afterwards! 

How do words such as "outsider," "unbeliever," "the truth," come across? Is it any wonder that we have acquired the reputation of being exclusive? Often the words we use, such as "campaign," "effort" and "crusade," unconsciously betray our attitudes to others. 

Many of these terms derive from a "fortress" model of the church, where those "inside" have some sort of higher claim to divine favour. Not so many derive from the "salt" model, where the church influences for good by its continued presence. 

At a baptism recently, I heard repeated allusion to the joy that is experienced in heaven when a soul accepts the Saviour, and joins the church of God. The only problem in this case was that the participant had been a very sincere, practising Christian in another denomination for many years! My thoughts went to those fine Christian family members who had come by request to witness the baptism and to see what an Adventist church was like. 

In principle, we say that even our Sabbath meetings should be conducted in a manner so as to attract members to our ranks. Where is the church that would not like to have more visitors? In practice, however, how much care do we take to ensure that they will understand what is said and feel welcome? 

I feel that it is time to give a little more thought to eliminating some unnecessary and sometimes unfortunate expressions from our collective vocabulary and make our fellowships more comfortable for those we are trying to attract. We really do have good news to share. Let's sound like it. 

Author: Lynden Rogers, physics lecturer in the Avondale College science department, Cooranbong, New South Wales 1974