
Wednesday 26 December 2012

The Bible : The Book That Lives On

THROUGH the ages of history no other book has been studied so prayerfully by its friends, or so critically by its foes, as the Bible. 

For eighteen centuries the storm of persecution has raged with unceasing fury around it: but, from this seething tempest it has emerged triumphant. 

The Bible has been refuted more times than any other book in the world. But every indignity offered has in some mysterious way helped to further its life-giving mission. 

A little more than a century ago, Voltaire said, "The Bible is an exploded book, and in less than a hundred years it will have ceased to exist; and will be an unknown book." But has it ?—The printing press on which Voltaire's infidel works were printed has since been used to print the Word of God ; and the house where he lived is today a depot for the Geneva Bible Society. It is of interest to note that in the centenary year of Voltaire's boast, ten thousand copies of the Scriptures were sold in Paris, the city in which he lived. 

Twenty-five years ago Ingersoll said, " In ten years the Bible will not be read." 

Tom Paine, on landing at New York, was foolish enough to prophesy that in five years not a Bible would be found in the United States. Bat the fact remains that there are more Bible Societies today in America, than in any other country in the world. 

We might quote statements such as these indefinitely; but let us look at the other aspect of the question, and call for the testimony of men who have made the Bible a companion. 

The most gifted and renowned of German men of letters, Goethe, says, " No criticism will be able to perplex the confidence I have entertained in a writing whose contents have stirred up and given life to my energy by its own." 

Napoleon, the greatest of modern conquerors, says, " Unique Book ! Who but God could produce that idea of perfection equally exclusive and original. The Gospel is more than a book ; it is a living thing—active, powerful, overcoming every obstacle in its way! " 

Benjamin Franklin, the father of American science and statesmanship, says, "Young man, my advice to you is that you cultivate an acquaintance with, and a firm belief in, the Holy Scriptures. This is your certain interest." 

Gladstone, statesman and Prime Minister of England, says, "The historical development of our religion is one of the most wonderful parts of human history, and, in my opinion, affords one of the strongest demonstrations of its truth." 

Lord Bacon, Sir Isaac Newton, Guizot, and many other of the world's famous men, bear the same testimony. 

The infidel speaks of the Bible as a " dead book." Not very long ago a number of learned men were at work revising the New Testament. At last the book was ready for the press, and men offered as much as £100 for a copy in advance of its publication; and on the morning of its issue the streets were blocked with express wagons, waiting for copies of that "dead book." They telegraphed that book, from the first chapter of Matthew to the end of Romans, from New York to Chicago, about 118,000 words—the longest message ever sent over the wires—for the sake of getting it there twenty-four hours sooner than steam could carry it. What infidel speech has ever been treated like this ? They would not pay to telegraph the greatest infidel oration ever delivered. 

That old Book seems to show signs of considerable life yet. It is like Aaron's rod, possessed of a life that time cannot destroy.

Tuesday 25 December 2012

The Waldenses - Persecuted Christians

EARLY in the eleventh century the Catholic church, the leading religious body of that time, endeavoured to force all Christians to accept her doctrines. Thousands bowed to Rome, but a large body of "protesters" stood out for the Bible. Numbers of the Protestants crossed the Alps, descended the Rhine, and raised the standard of truth in Cologne, where they were branded as heretics and rewarded with the stake. Some found refuge in the Alps, and were later known as the Waldenses. 

The Alps rise abruptly from the plains of Piedmont and form a line of towering magnificence. Pastures and chestnut forests clothe their base, while eternal snows crown their summits. The storms of a thousand winters have torn their sides, leaving caves, valleys, and narrow passes. Through these the fugitive might enter. 

Beyond one rocky portal dark ravines open into seven fertile valleys. 

The first is Luserna, the Valley of Light; then Rora, Valley of Dews ; the third, Angrogna, the Valley of Groans, leads into Pra, the most interesting to us of any of these valleys. It was the holy of holies in the Alpine Sanctuary. 

The faith of the Waldenses, or Vaudois Christians, was founded on the pure teachings of the Bible. To it they strictly adhered. They believed the end of the world was near, and that upon them rested the burden of carrying the gospel to the world. 

It was the custom among this people for the pastors to teach the youth. In the college at Pra, the ministers were the instructors. The students' text-book was the Bible. Not only did they study it, but they were required to memorize whole gospels and epistles, for there was then no knowledge of printing and copies of the Word were rare. Hidden away iu caves and sequestered spots, the pupils spent much time copying the Scriptures. These .manuscripts they later used in their missionary work. 

After leaving their pastors' schools the young men frequently entered the seminaries in the cities of the surrounding countries. Here they became expert scholars. In many instances they made converts of their fellow-students,landlords, and the merchants with whom they traded. The priests dreaded to  meet them in argument. 

To maintain the truth in their own mountains was not the object of the Waldenses. They realized their duty to the world. The vigilance of Roman priest and inquisitor prevented them going boldly forth as ministers. So they stole out from the Alpine passes two and two, clad in their coarse woollen garments and with naked feet, they entered the towns as pedlars. The nature of their work gave them ready entrance to the homes of rich and poor. These men always carried, concealed in their garments or wares, portions of the Scriptures which they had prepared in their student days. Often as an opportunity presented itself they showed the manuscript, and in reverent tones read to their hearers the words of life. Frequently they gave away the priceless portion when they found those desirous of possessing it. 

But they were not long permitted to work undisturbed. Converts were found wherever they went, and Rome was roused to opposition. Sometimes it chanced the pedlars were suspected and arrested. Then pope and prelate only hastened the springing up of the seed they were striving to exterminate, by watering it with the blood of the men . who had sown it. 

Relentlessly were these humble men persecuted. Finding this did not check the progress of the hated religion, the papal armies penetrated to the fountain head, and massacre followed massacre. In one instance 3,000 Vaudois lost their . lives. From one pinnacle, standing at the entrance of the renowned region, hundreds of martyrs were hurled to death. It was of these awful tragedies Milton wrote in his sonnet: 

"Avenge, O Lord, Thy slaughtered saints, whose bones 
 Lie scattered on the Alpine mountains cold. 
....In Thy book record their groans 
Who were Thy sheep, and in their ancient fold, 
Slain by the bloody Piedmontese, that rolled 
Mother with infant down the rocks. Their moans 
The vales redoubled to the hills, and they to heaven." 

None of these things daunted the noble Waldenses. As rapidly as missionaries fell others were sent to fill their places. The martyrdom of those at home spurred the field labourers to redoubled efforts. God was in the movement, and it could not be stayed till the yoke of Rome was broken. 

The world owes much to this people. Resolute in purpose, devoted to their work, courageously facing danger and death, they fulfilled their mission. The shackles which so long had bound God's Word were broken. Since then the minds of many have been purified by studying the Bible, and their lives ennobled by the heroic example of the " Israel of the Alps." 


Fulfilled Prophecy

The Sure Word of Prophecy - Some Fulfilled Prophecy.

OF Babylon the prophet wrote, " The beauty of the Chaldee's excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah." To the people of that time this seemed an impossibility, and we can hardly wonder when we consider that Babylon was the greatest work of human hands. Two million men were employed in its construction. It was built in a perfect square, fifteen miles on each side, and was surrounded by a brick wall eighty-five feet thick and 330 feet high. One hundred gates of solid, polished brass formed entrances to a magnificent interior, where temples, palaces, and hanging gardens were alike noted for their beauty and grandeur. But God bad declared that this wicked city should become a place for " wild beasts " and "dragons."

Babylon fell 174 years after the prophet had passed sentence. The city of splendour went down spoiled and
plundered by hostile nations. In the fourth century A.D., it was used as an enclosure for wild beasts. A traveller who visited the site in the twelfth century stated that the few remaining ruins were so filled with venomous reptiles that it was dangerous to inspect them closely. It is even " as Sodom and Gomorrah."

In speaking of Tyre the Lord said, "I will make thee like the top of a rock : thou shalt be a place to spread
nets upon."

That ancient city was built of stone, and its walls were seventeen miles in circumference. The builders of Tyre
were said to "have perfected her beauty." She was so rich that her ships were of fir and cedar, their benches
of ivory, and the sails of fine embroidered linen from Egypt:

Tyre envied Jerusalem the trade that passed through !her gates, and when Jerusalem was destroyed she rejoiced. It was after this that Ezekiel uttered his prophecy, every word of which was literally fulfilled.

After a terrible siege, lasting thirteen years, Nebuchadnezzar took the city. The people escaped and moved to an island about half a mile from the mainland, and there built a new city.
Alexander the Great determined to besiege the city, and having no fleet, built a mole, 200 feet broad, from the mainland to the island city. In doing this he had to use the stones of old Tyre. This was a literal fulfillment of a prophecy spoken 250 years before, "They shall lay thy stones ... in the midst of the water." Thus Tyre was left bare " like the top of a rock." Masses of broken walls, pillars, and vaults are still to be seen, but there is not a complete house left. The present inhabitants, a few poor fishermen, live among the vaults. It has become a "place for the spreading of nets in the midst of the sea."
Memphis was an ancient capital of Egypt. For more than a thousand years it was the royal city. Yet the prophet declared that it should be " waste and desolate without an inhabitant."
This city was built of white marble, and was called by the Egyptians "The World of Life," "City of the White Walls," and "The Good Abode." It was nineteen miles in circumference. The Memphian pyramids have excited the wonder and admiration of a world.
The grandeur and splendour of the structures of Memphis must have been attractive since ancient writers declare that the sun had never seen a more magnificent city. The inhabitants thought their city eternal; but now it is silent under the desert sands, "desolate without an inhabitant."
Empires pass away, nations fall, cities are brought to ruin, "but the Word of our God shall stand forever!"

Sunday 9 December 2012

Pastor John Nixon - Desperate Housewives

In a sermon title based on the US television comedy series, Desperate Housewives, Pastor John Nixon preaches on how husbands should relate to their wives. He offers some advice on how we can use  differences between men and women to complement each other other than using them to bring friction in a marriage. It is really a powerful and informative marriage counseling sermon that all men ought to watch.

John S. Nixon joined the faculty of the School of Religion at Southern Adventist University in 2010 after having served as senior pastor of the Collegedale Church for four years. For more than thirty years he has served in parish ministry, primarily in major cities, including New York, Boston, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., and also on two other college campuses, Atlantic Union College and Oakwood University.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Pastor Darriel Hoy - A Woman's Worth

In this powerful sermon, Pastor Darriel Hoy preaches on the value that God places on women. She among other things points out how Jesus elevated women in His ministry and how even on the cross, while going through all the pain and the separation from His father that the punishment for our sins entailed, Christ still remembered His mother and told John to take care of her. What a manifestation of love! Women are a valuable in the sight of God as men. Pastor Hoy then bids us to follow the example of Christ by taking care of women and fighting all injustices against women such as domestic violence, rape e.t.c. Pastor Darriel Hoy delivered this sermon at the Pastoral Evangelism and Leadership Conference at Oakwood University in 2011.

Monday 3 December 2012

Pastor Freddie Russell - Breakthrough Prayer

Have you ever prayed and felt that your prayers are not getting through to God? Then this sermon will open your eyes to the secret for breakthrough prayer or in simple terms a successful prayer life. Pastor Freddie Russell presents in clear terms the building blocks to a successful prayer life. Brothers and sisters, if there is one thing the church needs it is prayer warriors. Men and women who agonise with God in prayer just like Jacob wrestled with the angel of The Lord.

Monday 26 November 2012

David Asscherick - The War Behind All Wars

Have you ever wondered why we have all these wars and all sorts of calamities on earth? How can a God of love allow all these wars and diseases to exist? These questions and more are answered in this sermon. David Asscherick, cofounder of ARISE Institute goes behind the scenes to reveal the first war that led to all these wars and reveals the major players in these wars.

The book of revelation lifts the veil and reveals that there was war in heaven between the forces of God led by Michael and the forces of evil led by the dragon or Satan. The devil lost this war and was cast out of heaven. He later found home on earth after deceiving our first parents, Adam and Eve. The fall of Adam and  Eve resulted in the earth suffering the consequences of sin such as wars, diseases, etc. To put a stop to this decay, God sent His son who came and died on the cross of calvary for the sins of the world, thus paying in full the penalty for sin. This then started a chain of events that will culminate in the end of sin and its consequences.

Sunday 25 November 2012

How To Understand The Book of Revelation

Most people are perplexed with the prophecies found in the book of Revelation. To many people the book of Revelation is a closed book, hard to understand. In the video below, the presenter, Geoff Youlden, preaches a sermon that reveals  the keys to understand this important book. You will at the end become bold ended to understand these prophecies that The Lord Jesus gave to his servant John.

Lost Empire Of The Hittites

In a documentary David Down, an archaeologists, presents a documentary on the Lost Empire of the Hittites. Before archaeologists discovered the ruins of the ancient Hittite Empire, many scholars had disputed the veracity of the bible's stories on the Hittites. They said that what the Bible said was false as there was no evidence of the existence of these people. The spade however,  proved them wrong as it has continued to do in history. The stones are now crying out for the God of heaven and His Word.

Mark Finley - Revelation's Triumphant Christ

The book of Revelation is full of symbols that might boggle the minds of most people but it is clear from a casual reading of the ultimate triumphant victories of the forces of good over evil. It present vividly the a Triumphant Christ. In the video below Mark Finley presents a sermon entitled, Revelation's Triumphant Christ.

Charles Bradford - Buy That Field

Charles E Bradford, former president to the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventist preaching on the topic Buy That Field. It is a sermon on the love of God who sent His son to die on the cross of calvary to rescue us from sin. The Bible uses various stories to represent this love and one of them is this old testament parable about a field. Watch the video for more details about this parable and what it means for you.

The Richness Of The Word - C A Murray

Discover the riches of the word of God through this sermon by Pastor C.A. Murray of Three Angels Broadcasting Network 3ABN. There are so many gems in the scriptures for those who are willing to study the word of God for themselves.

This sermon was presented during the 3ABN week of prayer. If you would like to know more about  3ABN you can find more information here.


The Dangers and Deceptions of Psychics

More and more people nowadays want to know some hidden things that might have happened in the past or a prediction of the future. This has made modern psychics more popular. There are however, some dangers and deceptions associated with psychics that we need to be aware of as Christians. In fact the Bible forbids such practices and urges us not seek such people. The video below presents a discussion on this topic.

The Dangers Of The Occult

As the western world becomes more secularized, we see young people trying all sorts of religions and practices which on face value look innocent but as some who have come out of it will testify , there are genuine dangers involved. One of the pastimes that young people have dabbled in is the occult. The video below features a discussion on the dangers of the occult. The discussions includes some young people with first  hand information on what the dangers are.

Saturday 24 November 2012

Doug Batchelor - Rahab's Red Rope

In this sermon, Pastor Doug Batchelor, Speaker/Director of Amazing Facts Ministry preaches on the story of Rahab, the harlot who hid the Israelite spies who were spying on Jericho. To honor her help, the spies instructed Rahab to hang a red rope on her window so that she could be identified and saved when the Israelites attacked the city. Doug Batchelor then applies this story to our situation and the blood of Christ that saves us.

A Jewish Celebration of The Sabbath

We owe a lot to the Jews for the preservation of the worship of the God of heaven or Yahweh. Had it not been for the Jews, the worship of Yahweh would probably have been forgotten. But God made sure that this would not happen. He chose the Jews to be His representatives; His chosen people. This was not some form of favoritism on His part but He knew that to preserve the knowledge of the creator, He had to choose a people who would enter into a covenant with Him, acknowledging him as their God and them as His people. 

One of the teachings of the Bible the Jews have preserved is the observance of the Sabbath. There is never a point in history when the Jews forgot the Sabbath. It is precisely because of this reason that we can learn a lot of things on how to observe the sabbath. We however, need to do this while remembering that some traditions of men have crept into their observance just as they have crept into the christian church.

The video below presents some gems for keeping the sabbath as practiced by the Jews.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Jan Paulsen - Devotional GC Spring Meeting 2012

Former Seventh-day Adventist world church President Jan Paulsen delivers the morning devotional for Spring Meeting 2012 at world church headquarters. In his sermon Pastor Jan Paulsen gives the conditions by which we will receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He says God is more than willing to baptise us with the Holy Spirit a member of the Godhead. He emphasises the necessity and importance of this baptism if we are to finish the work God has given us of spreading the gospel.

Pastor Ted NC Wilson - Never Doubt, God Is in Control

Pastor Ted NC Wilson, President of the General Conference of Seventh- day Adventist present a sermon titled, Never Doubt, God is In Control. This sermon was delivered at the 2012 Annual Council. In the sermon, Elder Wilson encourages the church to go forward in presenting the gospel to the world because God is still in control and will bless our efforts. He especially encourages the use of the Health ministry as the right arm of the church, according to Ellen White, as it would break down barriers such as prejudices.

Pastor Freddie Russell - The Holy Spirit

In this sermon, Pastor Freddie Russell preaches on the importance of being baptised by the Holy Spirit.  He points out from scriptures the effect that that would have on our christian witness. The boldness that will accompany our witness just as it happenned to the Apostles who after being baptised by Spirit changed from being cowards to fearless warriors of the cross. Warriors who were not afraid to tell the powers that be that they would rather obey God than man. And yet these were the same people who a few days before had abandoned their master in the garden of gethsemane and continued to hide from the powers that be until they received the Holy Spirit. Pastor Freddie Russell says we can only receive the gift of the Spirit through prayer only. Through much prayer.

Ivor Myers - Fourth Decree

Ivor Myers preaching at the 2012 Annual Council of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church in the US. In the sermon he preaches about revival and shares some interesting bits about how he came to the Lord. Pastor Ivor Myers turned from fame and fortune in the hip hop music industry to a more rewarding life of service and ministry for the Lord Jesus Christ. His story will inspire you as you see how God could change someone on marijuana and all the trapings of fame and fortune to the simple life of a minister of God's word.

Monday 19 November 2012

Interpretation of Daniel 9 - John Lomacang

Daniel chapter is one of the most fascinating prophecies as it predicts with mathematical accuracy the year that Christ was to be baptised. This is beyond human comprehension as Daniel lived hundreds of years before Jesus time. You will be amazed at the predictions this prophecy makes and it will reaffirm your belief that Christ is at the very door.

The presenter is John Lomacang and the sermon was delivered at the 3ABN pillars of prophecy seminar.

Prophecy of Daniel 8 - Hiram Rester

In the book of Daniel chapter 8, prophet Daniel had a vision of a Ram and a Goat. The ram had two horns and one of the horns was longer than the other. No animal could stand against this ram and it did as it pleased until  a goat with a prominent horn between his eyes appeared and charged at the ram with great rage.The goat defeated the ram but at its height the prominent horn was broken and in its place four prominent horns grew up towards the four winds of  heaven.

I know that by now you are saying, what does all this mean and what do these animals got to do with my spiritual life. The purpose of the video below is to answer those questions. It is a sermon delivered at the 3ABN Pillars of Prophecy seminar by Hiram Rester.

Theme of the Book of Daniel - Stephen Bohr

In a sermon, delivered at the 3ABN Pillars of Prophecy seminar Stephen Bohr presents the theme of the prophetic book of Daniel. All students of prophets will tell you that the two main books on prophecy are Daniel and the book of Revealtion. You cannot understand properly the book of Revelation unless you understand the book of Daniel as most of the symbolism of Daniel are found in the book of Revelation.

In beginning to study the book of Daniel, the best starting place is to study its theme so that we do not miss the main aim of the book or the big picture. Once we understand the theme all the other puzzles will fall into place. That is precisely the main thrust of the video below.

It is Time To Believe In The Bible - Gary Kent

The Bible is one of the most attacked books in the world. The main reason could be its claim that it contains the word that was inspired by God himself.  For instance some scholars disputed some historical facts presented in the scriptures. One of those attacks was whether the Hittites had really existed as the Bible claimed. Archaeology came to the rescue of the Bible when archaeologists discovered the ruins of the cities of the Hittites. All of a sudden a big civilisation that had remained hidden to scholars was uncovered. This is just one of the stories that continue to prove Bible critics wrong.

In the video below Gary Kent affirms this belief in a sermon titled, It is Time To Believe The Bible.

Daniel 2 - David Shin

Daniel chapter 2 is one of the easiest prophecies to understand in the Bible. It is one of the reasons that I believe in the authenticity and the truth of the Bible. When you go through that prophecy and see how is has been fulfilled you are left with awe as to how a prophet who lived a long time ago was able to predict the future as he did. It is nothing short of the supernatural. It the base of all the prophecies found in Daniel and Revelation.

In the video below David Shin presents the prophecy of Daniel 2 and its implications for our lives.

Sunday 18 November 2012

The Diary of A Mad Black Woman - Pastor John Trusty

The sermon titled after an African American movie by Tyler Perry called the Diary of A Mad Black Woman, the preacher, Pastor John Trusty, presents lessons drawn from the story of Naomi in the book of Ruth. Naomi after her bitter experience of losing her husband and two sons in Moab tells people after her return to Bethlehem to call her Mara which means bitter and not Naomi. For as she said The Lord had dealt bitterly with her. Inspire of this bitter experience Naomi still showed love and mercy to those around her especially her daughter in law, Ruth.

Pastor Henry Wright - The Holy Spirit At The Cross

Pastor Henry Wright of the Community Praise Center in Alexandria, VA presents a sermon entitled, The Holy Spirit At The Cross. Have you ever wondered what the Godhead was doing during Christ's crucifixion.  Pastor Henry Wright tackles this question in the video sermon below.

An Interview With Those Who Knew Ellen White

The Seventh-day Adventist Church believes that the gift of prophecy is still in operation in the christian church and that one of the manifestations of this gift was through Ellen Gould White who was one of the pioneers of the church. Ellen White has acted as guiding light through the time that she was alive to this day. One wonders what this church would be like without her guidance which we believe she got  from the Lord.

Theres in no known recording of her sermons or speeches except for the testimonies of those who knew her personally. The best testimony you can ever get is from people with first hand information about you, people close to you. The people who know you when you are away from the spotlight.

Below is a video by some people who knew her or saw her. I hope that this video will strengthen your belief that God is still in the business of using some among us to be His prophets. And in the words of the bible I hope you shall "believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper" 2 Chronicles 20:20.

Saturday 17 November 2012

Pastor Brenda Billingy - Witness Protection

Join Pastor Brenda Billingy, Senior Pastor of Metropolitan Seventh-day Adventist Church in Maryland as she preaches a sermon entitled, Witness Protection. This is part of a study on the book of Acts. It dwells on why the apostles needed a baptism of the Holy Spirit before they fulfilled the Great Commission to go out into the world to preach the gospel as witness of the incomparable love of Jesus Christ.

In between Rainfalls - Pastor Brenda Billingy

What a powerful sermon delivered by this Holy Spirit filled woman of God, Pastor Brenda Billingy, Senior pastor of the Metropolitan Seventh -day Adventist Church in Maryland US. This sermon was deliverers at Oakwood College in Huntsvile, Alabama. I hope you too will be blessed and filled with His Spirit as you watch this woman of God.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Revelation's Three Songs - Mark Finley

In the following video Pastor Mark Finley presents the Revelation's Three Songs. Learn more about these three songs and what the message of these songs means for you and the world. I hope you will be blessed by the sermon. Pastor Mark Finley is currently the Assistant to President of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He has in the past held the positions of speaker/Director of It is Written Telecast Ministries and was the Vice President of the General Conference of SDAs before he retired.

The Laodecian Message - Mark Finley

In the book of Revelation, the apostle John sees, through a vision, letters dictated to angels addressed to seven churches in Asia minor. One of those letters is addressed to the church of Laodecia. Most scholars have viewed these letters to not only apply to the churches mentioned that time but to span the history of  the christian church to very end of time. These churches represented the condition of the church throughout the ages to our time. Adventist scholars have came to the conclusion that the letter addressed to the church of Laodecia presents the condition of the church in the very last days of earth's history.

In the video below,  Pastor Mark Finley, Assistant to the President of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist presents the interpretation of this letter to the church of Laodecia. The sermon is entitled, The Laodecian Message.

Sunday 11 November 2012

1844 Disappointment

In 1844, some American christian believers drawn from various evangelical churches came to the conclusion, based on their interpretation of Daniel 8:14, that Jesus Christ would come to earth on 22nd October 1844. Alas that day passed and Jesus didn't come. Why did Jesus not come on this day? Was there interpretation wrong and why did God not intervene to avoid the eventual embarrassment and disappointment that followed.

Daniel 8: 14 states, "unto two thousand three hundred days;  then shall the sanctuary be cleansed." These Christian believers following on from the principles that had been followed by the great reformers interpreted a  prophetic day to be equal to a year. So starting from 457 BC they calculated that these days would end on 22nd Oct. 1844. Their understanding was that the temple referred to in this verse was the earthly temple which they took to mean that that would be the end of the world.

In the following video Stephen Bohr addresses the issues sorrounding this 1844 disappointment.

Should We Talk To The Dead? Is It Biblical?

There are various mediums and other practitioners who claim to have access to the dead. I have heard of people who have allegedly spoken to their departed loved ones through these mediums. But what does the Bible say on talking to the dead. Should We talk to the dead and what are the dangers and benefits if any for those who do that?

In the video below  Steve Wohlberg, presents the biblical position on whether we should talk to the dead. It is a very informative video that goes behind the scenes to reveal the real source of these apparitions of the dead.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Unity In The Body - Jay Rosario

In His last sermons, Jesus Christ emphasized the theme of unity. He told His disciples that people will know that they are His disciples through their love to one another. It is this love for one another that leads to unity in the body of Christ, the church. Divisions in the Church will weaken the Church and tarnish  the credibility of the church.

In the video below Jay Rosario preaches on this topic of Unity in the body.

The Remnant and Its Mission - C A Murray

In Revelation 12:17 states "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus."  Can we specifically identify this remant of God? How about the mission of the remnant. In the video below CA Murray of 3ABN presents the topic of "The Remnant and Its Mission. It was delivered at the 2011 3ABN Pillars of Our Faith Campmeeting.

Experience of Salvation - Shelley Quinn

There is nothing as exciting as experiencing the joy of salvation; to know for sure that you are saved. How can we experience salvation and what are the steps that we need to take to experience the salvation that Jesus Christ our Saviour gives. Do we have to do anything to earn this salvation? Can sinful human being earn this salvation?

In the video below Shelley Quinn of the 3ABN preaches on the topic of, Experience of Salvation. This was delivered at the 2011 3ABN Pillars of Our Faith Campmeeting in the US.

Saturday 20 October 2012

Is Baptism Really Necessary? - Geoff Youlden

Have you ever wondered as to whether baptism is really necessary? Is it always necessary to get baptized or is it something of no consequence in the christian life? The English word baptism is originally from the Greek word baptizo which means, "to immerse" etc. Most if not all scholars point out that the baptism in the Bible involved immersing the disciple in water usually in rivers. An example of this practice of immersion baptism would be the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ who was baptized in the Jordan river, for the Bible clearly states that after the baptism Christ came out of the water.

In the video below the presenter, Geoff Youlden, answers this question on whether baptism is really necessary in our christian experience.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Our Greatest Need - Also Our Greatest Neglect

 In venturing to state in one word our greatest need and also our greatest neglect to be prayer, one is assured of the unanimous testimony of all sincere Christian believers both within our own church, and in many other such organizations. "Keep thy heart with all diligence," is the counsel of the Wise man, "for out of it are the issues of life." For, "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." The only way the heart can be kept pure is by constantly lifting it in prayer to God. As one able writer has said, "We must be aided by the abiding influence of the Holy Spirit, which will attract the mind upward, and habituate it to dwell on pure and holy things."—"Patriarchs and Prophets," page 460. 

Commenting on the godly life of Enoch,the same writer says: "In the midst of a life of active labor, Enoch steadfastly maintained his communion with God. The greater and more pressing his labors, the more constant and earnest were his prayers. He continued to exclude himself,at certain periods, from all society. After remaining for a time among the people, laboring to benefit them by instruction and example, he would withdraw, to spend a season in solitude, hungering and thirsting for that divine knowledge which God alone can impart. Communing thus with God, Enoch came more and more to reflect the Divine image. His face was radiant with a holy light, even the light that shineth in the face of Jesus. As he came forth from these divine communings, even the ungodly beheld with awe the impress of heaven upon his countenance."—Ibid., pages 86, 87. 

Not alone as individuals, but also as a church entrusted with a world-wide message, do we need to realize our great need of constant and earnest prayer. 

"Jesus Christ by precept, by command, by example, has shown with great clearness and force that He recognizes the greatest need of the enterprise of worldwide evangelisation to be prayer. 

"Before 'give' and before 'go' comes prayer. This is the divine order. Anything that reverses or alters it inevitably leads to loss or disaster. This is strikingly illustrated in the wonderful achievements of the early Christians, which were made possible by their constant employment of the irresistible hidden forces of the prayer kingdom. 

"They ushered in Pentecost by prayer. When they wanted laborers, they prayed. When the time came to send forth laborers the church was called together to pray.....When persecutions came the Christians nerved and braced themselves by prayer. Every undertaking was begun, continued, and ended in prayer. In this we find the secret of the marvelous triumphs of the early Christian church."—"The Pastor and Modern Missions," pages 192, 193. 

In support of the above very definite claims, let us notice briefly the Scriptural records of some of these outstanding examples of the efficacy of prayer. 

First, "They ushered in pentecost by prayer." In Christ's parting message of comfort and consolation to His disciples, He said: "And, behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high. And He led them out as far as to Bethany, and He lifted up His hands, and blessed them. And it came to pass, while He blessed them, He was parted from them, and carried up into heaven. And they worshiped Him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy: and were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God." Luke 24:49-53. 

Then in a subsequent record in the Book of Acts, we read: "These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brethren." Acts 1: 14. 

Moffatt's translation renders this verse as follows: "All these men resorted with one mind to prayer, together with their wives, with Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers." "And when the day of pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting." Acts 2: 1, 2. 

Thus it is very evident that much sincere prayer preceded and prepared the way for this remarkable outpouring of the Spirit of God. "The disciples prayed with intense earnestness for a fitness to meet men, and in their daily intercourse to speak words that would lead sinners to Christ. Putting away all differences, all desire for the supremacy, they came close together in Christian fellowship. They drew nearer and nearer to God, and as they did this they realized what a privilege had been theirs in being permitted to associate so closely with Christ."—"Acts of the Apostles," page 37.

 "The source of the spiritual vitality and power of any Christian movement is prayer. Our hope and confidence in this enterprise of world-wide missions are chiefly placed, not in the extent and strength of the missionary organization; not in the number and power of the missionary force; not in the fullness of the treasury and in well appointed missionary equipment; not in the achievements of the past, even those of a spiritual character; not in the experience acquired by centuries of Christian missions; not in the methods and agencies which have been devised; not in the brilliancy and popularity of the leaders of the missionary movement at home and abroad; not in the farsighted policies and plans, not in enthusiastic forward movements and inspiring watchwords—upon none of these considerations do we rely principally, for it is 'not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.' "—"The Pastor and Modern Missions," page 193.

 A G Stewart, 1930.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Christ's Ministry in The Sanctuary - Pastor Stephen Bohr

One of the fundamental beliefs of the Bible is the teaching that Christ is now in the heavenly sanctuary interceding for our sins. This clearly explained in the book of Hebrews in the New Testament. He is there as the High Priest and we can boldly approach the throne of God through Him. He deserves it because of the sacrifice on the Cross of calvary. In the video below, Pastor Stephen Bohr presents a sermon on Christ's in the Sanctuary at the 3ABN 2011 Pillars of Our Faith Campmeeting

Dr Ben Carson : Speech

Dr Ben Carson, Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins University Medical Center in US speaks on how to succeed in life, level of science knowledge among US students and debate on evolution and creation. It is such a powerful and very motivating speech that you really need to listen to more especially for the youth who are still making up their mind about their future careers. God is indeed able to make something out of nothing if only we let Him control our destinies.

Walter Pearson - Standing Still In A Storm

Walter Pearson, former Speaker/Director of Breath o Life Ministries preaches on the topic, Standing Still In A Storm. It is based on the story of Jesus who calms a storm that had threatened to sink their boat while He was calmly sleeping without any concern until the disciples woke him up.

Jesus stood up in the midst of them and ordered it to stop forcing the disciples to ask, “Who is this man?” they asked each other. “When he gives a command, even the wind and waves obey him!”

I don't know the storms of life that you are facing right now but I know someone who can calm any storm for He is the creator of the world. Walter Pearson is perhaps one of the most eloquent preachers in the United States.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Ellen G White : What Was She Really Like? - Dr Dwight Nelson

In the following video, Dr Dwight Nelson gives the personal side of Ellen White one of the pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The personal testimonies of those who lived during the time of Ellen White are presented. She comes out as a woman who loved the Lord Christ very much and who made Christ the center of her life.

Ellen White : How Did It Really Work? - Dr Dwight Nelson

Have you ever wondered how the gift of prophecy operated in the life of Ellen G White, one of the pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. How did God use her as her mouth piece and what can that help us to trust the messages that God gave her to present to the world. Dr Dwight Nelson, Senior Pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church deals with these questions in the following video

Ellen White : What About The Critics. - Dr Dwight Nelson

Ellen White was one of the pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Most Adventists also believe that she possessed the gift of prophecy. There are however a number of critics of her work, especially former Adventists, who try to point out certain things that they say show her to be a false prophet. In the video, Dr Dwight Nelson, Senior Pastor of Pioneer Memorial Church at Andrews University tackles some of things that the critics point out about her work. It is a clear and well researched response to the critics claims.

Digging Up The Past - Interview With Dr Randy Younker

In the following video Dr Randy Younker, an archaeologist gives some evidence that has been uncovered by archaeology to confirm facts found in the Bible. For instance some scholars disputed the domestication of camels during the time of the patriarchs but recent archaeology have confirmed the existence of domesticated camels. These and many discoveries continue to prove that the basic facts of the Bible are indeed true.

The discussion is hosted by  Pastor Carter of the Carter Report.

Is Tithing Still Relevant?

Most churches among the evangelicals nowadays encourage their members to return a tenth of their income or increase to God through the church. Is there any biblical evidence for this practice now and what are the benefits of returning a tithe to the Lord? In the videos below Elder Walter Pearson of Breath of Life Ministries presents a sermon entitled, The Floodgates of Heaven. It answers the questions you might have on tithing.


Papal Rome - Kenneth Cox

When pagan Rome passed away it was merely replaced by papal Rome and it it height controlled a huge chunk of Italy and controlled the political affairs of Western Europe. The presenter presents the characteristics of this power and abuses of the power that it accumulated for itself. This religio-political power was responsible for the massacre of Christians who dared to believe contrary to the official beliefs of that church then. Papal Rome lost most of its power when General Berthier, a general of Emperor Napoleon went to Rome and arrested the reigning pope and took him to France in 1798. Most Christians have forgotten this history of the church and the blood of the martyrs who perished in their thousands. You only need to pick any history book for that period to appreciate papal power then.

The question that lingers in our minds is whether this can happen again in our days when democracy and freedom of speech are the tenets of our democracies. Let the Bible answer these questions as you listen and watch Pastor Kenneth Cox

Mark of The Beast - Kenneth Cox

The book of Revelation talks about the mark of the beast and the punishment that will befall those who receive it i.e. being thrown into the lake of fire at the end of the world. Considering the severity of the punishment it makes perfect sense to seriously study the meaning of this passage. Otherwise if you don't understand its meaning you could end up on the wrong side and miss out on heaven. Unfortunately there are myriads of teachings on this topic that most are confused. I however believe that if we prayerfully read the scriptures with an open mind and with the assistance of the Holy Spirit we will come to a correct understanding of this passage and what we must do to avoid receiving the mark of the beast.

In the video below Pastor Kenneth Cox presents his understanding of the meaning of the mark of the beast. Let us therefore prayerfully watch and listen as the Spirit speaks to us. I hope that your hearts will be warmed by the sweet presence of the Spirit and the love of God.

What Happens When You Die? - Lonnie Melashenko

The majority of Christians believe that when you die there is a part of the body called the soul that still survives. In a sense you don't really die. This is the position of the majority of the Christian world and is also the positions of almost all religions. There are however a minority who believe that when you die you really cease to exist and that there is nothing like a separate entity within us called a soul. They contend that when the Bible talks of the soul, it talks of the whole being and that a human being consists of the dust from which he was made and breath of life that God breathed into the first human being Adam. They therefore point out that when you die the body goes back to dust from where it came from and the breath of life to God.

In the video below Pastor Lonnie Melashenko of the Voice of Prophecy presents the biblical position on what happens when you die.

Which Bible Translation Is The Best? - Kenneth Cox

With hundreds of Bible translations, it is understandable wonder as to which Bible Translation is the best. There are some who believe that among the English translations only the King James Version is the one that is closer to the original. On the other hand some argue that modern translations are now based on better understanding of the original languages and better research and therefore are the best translations available. They point out some archaeological discoveries have shed more light on certain aspects of biblical events that may have been obsecure in the past. 

In the video below Evangelist Kenneth Cox uses his vast experience and knowledge to answer this question, which Bible Translation is the best.

Origins - Evolution or Creation?

Since Charles Darwin's theory of Evolution came on the scene, there has been fierce debate on whether God created the world or everything just evolved. It is such a hot topic that most people are confused as to what to believe any more since some clergymen have also jumped on the band wagon of those who believe in the theory of evolution. The presenter in the following video, Lonnie Melashenko presents the biblical position on origins.

The Battle of Armaggedon - Doug Batchelor

The battle of Armageddon is one of the most favorite topics among  evangelicals. Some say it will be a literal war in the middle east while a few take the position that it is a spiritual war. There are so many takes on the participants in this wars. Some have alleged that Russia will be involved in fighting against the Israelis. Doug Batchelor, Speaker/Director of Amazing Facts tackles this question in the following video. He gives his take on this important subject and what we can expect will happen during this time.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Dr Calvin B Rock : The Millennium And The End Of Sin

The book of Revelation talks about a thousand years in which the devil is imprisoned. There are so many interpretations on these one thousand years. When does this period start and what does it entail to us as Christians or inhabitants of the world. In the following video, Dr Calvin B Rock, who is the former President of Oakwood College in Alabama US and also a former Vice President of the General Conference of Seventh day Adventists preaches on this topic in a sermon entitled, The Millennium and The End of Sin. It was preached during the 2011 3ABN Pillars of Our Faith Camp Meeting held in the US. The exciting news about the millennium is that it will mark the end of sin as at the end of this period the devil and all those who follow him will be destroyed and the earth and heaven will be recreated. I hope you will join me as we prepare for that day when death, sickness, poverty and all the world's problems will be destroyed never to trouble us again. We can only join John the apostle in saying, Come Lord Jesus! 

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Full of Faith and Full of The Holy Spirit

J H Schilling 

"IF there is anywhere a man under the sun who should observe the words 'pray without ceasing,' it is the Christian minister." 

"If you as a minister are not a real praying man, then you are to be pitied."

"We grow, we thrive strongly and mightily if we are much in the chamber of prayer."

"The prayer chamber is the best study." 

"Prayer is a crane whereby heavy truth can be lifted." 

"It is through prayer that the Gospel minister becomes full of faith and of the Holy Spirit. There is no other way to power and efficiency in the ministry. It was the way Christ took, and all the holy men of the past and of the present. '' 

 "The way to the pentecostal blessing in Jerusalem was a ten-days' season of prayer mingled with making wrong right, confessing sins to one another. Peter confessed to John, John to Peter, so that finally, when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place." The result of this we know. The Holy Spirit came upon them "as a rushing mighty wind".... "and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost,and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." Peter began to explain the situation. Without doubt he spoke with a deep and powerful conviction. "Now when they [the people] heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said to Peter and to the rest of the apostles, 'Men and brethren, what shall we do?' " Peter answered them very decidedly, and the result was the conversion of 3,000 souls in one day—a most remarkable work of a Spirit-filled heart, also of a Spirit-filled sermon. This was the first wonderful result in the beginning of the Christian era of the fullness of faith and of the Holy Spirit in the soul. 

Peter (filled with the Holy Spirit) said unto them: "Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel, if we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole; be it known.....that by the name of Jesus Christ....doth this man stand here before you whole." There was a wonderful definiteness in the words of Peter. It was the result of the fullness of power in his soul. His examiners were surprised to hear him speak. They wondered how it was possible for him to speak in such a way knowing that he was only a fisherman by trade. He was released. He had gained the victory. 

Another result of the fullness of faith and of the Spirit was a certain boldness in answering the judges when "both Peter and John said: "We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." There was no fear or compromise in these words. Shall we have this power, too, brethren? What would be the result? Would the result not be greater success in our ministry and in soul-winning and soul-saving work? 

Then we find these brethren relating a wonderful experience to the rest of the believers who at once instituted another prayer service. Part of the prayers that were sent up to God at this meeting were as follows: "And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto Thy servants that with all boldness they may speak Thy Word." "When they had prayed,the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the Word with boldness." 

This was the second filling. The results were marvelous: "Believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women." Do you think, brethren, that we too, could have such success if we were full of faith and the Holy Ghost? Is it not written that such experiences could have been the lot of God's people all through the centuries if the fullness of faith and of the Spirit in the church had been faithfully encouraged? Why do we have such little fruit? 

The apostles admonished : "Look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost.....and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost," also others who possessed the same fullness of power. Great wonders and miracles were done by these men; powerful sermons were delivered such as the learning of Judaism could not gainsay. It of course meant death for the men, but, on the other hand, a mighty progress and growth to the Christian church. May we not get this power? Shall we not see heaven open as Stephen did? God grant it. 

GOD reaches for the hand of faith in us to direct it to lay fast hold upon the divinity of Christ, that we may attain to perfection of character.—"Desire of Ages," page 123.

Pastor Walter Pearson : A Rare Quality of Mercy

In this sermon, Pastor Walter Pearson, former speaker and Director of the Breath of Life telecast Ministries preaches on the topic, A Rare Quality of Mercy. It is based on the story of Lot and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. He we see the Angel of the Lord going out of His way to save Lot and his family even the dilly dallied. Even reaching a point where the angels hold Lot, his wife and two daughters by hand to take them out of Gomorrah. The angels even allow them to proceed to a nearby town instead of going far away from Sodom and Gomorrah as they were initially told. This is really a picture of the God of heaven  going out of His way to save us . I pray that this love as depicted in this sermon will lead you to fall in love with this God.

C D Brooks - Sabbath

Dr C D Brooks preaching at the Three Angels Broadcasting Network, 2011 pillars of our faith camp meeting. Her CD Brooks preaches on the sabbath. The sabbath was instituted in the garden of Eden and is a commemoration of Gods creation. It is the seventh day of every week and has been observed all throughout the history of the world. Nowadays most Christians observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the mediaval church decided to change the day of worship even though there's no such  change in the holy scriptures. Christ observed it and His disciples followed His example and never changed this divine command.

The Sabbath is a celebration of God's creation and if we had kept the Sabbath, there would be few people believing the theory of evolution. It is also a day to rest from our human restlessness as no work is supposed to be done on this day. Just imagine if we all kept this day holy. There would be few cases of stress and depression due to this divine call to rest.

Barry Black : Running To Win

US Senate Chaplain Dr Barry C Black preaching to students at Bethel University in US. In the sermon Dr Barry Black challenges the young people to press on until they reach the prize. He tells them never to give up but to persist just like Jacob who worked seven years to marry Rachel only to discover that his father in law Laban had cheated him by giving him his eldest daughter Leah. Jacob however never gave up but worked yet another seven years to get Rachel. Life is never easy and to achieve some things we have to persevere and never give up whether in our spiritual lives or in day to day life.