
Saturday 16 February 2013

Let's Cross Over To The Other Side - Keith A Morris

In a powerful semon, Pastor Keith A Morris preaches  on the instructions that Christ gave to the disciples to cross over to the other side of the lake or sea of Galilee. This instruction is found in the book of Mark chapter 4. As they were crossing the lake, a huge storm developed on the lake and the boat they were in was soon filling with water and about to capsize as these hurricane force winds pounded the boat. The disciples, most of whom were seasoned fishermen, became very terrified but Christ was calmly sleeping.
When the disciples realised that they were in danger of drowning, they woke up Christ and asked, Don't you care that we are perishing? Christ rebuked both His disciples and the storm. He rebuked them by asking, "why are you so fearful? How is that you have no faith?" The reason Christ slept through the storm was that He had faith in His father's control of the circumstances of life. Unfortunately in spite of the miracles His apostles had experienced while with Christ they had not developed faith to trust God even in a storm.
This rebuke is from Christ applies to us as well. We too are fearful especially as we face things with no known human solution. We forget that God is able to deal even with things are humanly impossible to deal with. He is the one who created this world and controls everything that happens in this world. We can and should believe God to handle even the impossible. The impossibles are possible with God.

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